Chapter 4 - Finally the truth

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AN: Sorry, this is rather unedited. Today I jumped wildly between two languages and this migh affected my writing ability. I apologize for any mistake in advance ;-)


Nathan sat in front of Timmy, who was still pretty much shaken up. He wondered briefly why he was so concerned for the little wolf, but he eventually blamed Nate for it.

Timmy sat in front of the rock, his knees at his chest and his arms cradled firmly around his shins. His forehead was resting on his knees, and he was effectively spacing out from an environment who was too violent for him to handle.

A small movement beside him gained his attention. His little rabbit friend sat beside him, cuddling at his hip, sharing some warmth. Timmy lifted the little rabbit carefully and his heart almost broke when he saw his left paw broken. The animal was in pain and Timmy knew he had to do something.

He cradled the little guy in his arms and looked around eagerly. He completely forgot everything else: The rogues, his mate… the little injured friend in his arms became the only important thing at the moment.

Nathan looked at the young man and wondered if he lost the last screw to reality. Nate was taken aback ab bit that his mate forgot him over a measly rabbit, but then he remembered how deeply attached Timmy was to the animals of this forest. “What do you mean “no hunting”? Nathan asked him puzzled. “Hm. How can I explain that to you in a way you might understand?” Nate replied sarcastically. “Forest. Hunting forbidden. Nate don’t allow.” he added a second later in a strange pidgin speech.

Timmy successfully found some little twigs and was now busy to tend to the wounds of the little hero. Even Nathan had to admit that this rabbit was anything but a coward. When Timmy was finished, he took his jacket and wrapped the rabbit in it. “He shouldn’t do that to the dinn...OUCH!” Nathan stopped his rant immediately when a sharp pain shot through his groin. “Nate, please, seriously? Why did you always hit my dick?”

Nate snorted. “Stop behaving like it and I may look for another target if you need some reason reminders.” he answered with menace. Nathan just sighed, he really started to get tired of this.

He saw that Timmy was finished with his nursing and decided it was time to talk. “Timmy, come here. I need to know what’s going on here.” Timmy hurried to the bigger man and looked at him with big eyes. “What do you mean? I’m not part of the pack, so I don’t know much.” Nathan nodded. “And that’s exactly why you are able to tell me what is happening to the people here. You are not part of the pack link, nor am I - yet. Something is wrong here. So, care to explain?”

Timmy thought how to begin. The first time his mate talked to him in a friendly manner and he was getting nervous. He didn’t want to mess it up like always. Nate, who was following his thoughts closely broadcasted it to Nathan without a word.

Nathan sighed and caved in. He needed the informations Timmy could provide and who would judge him here in the middle of nowhere? He stood up, lifted Timmy in his arms and cradled him to his chest, soothing him with his scent. He sat down again, his back now at the rock and rocked the little wolf gently.

“Ready when you are” he told the nervous young man. And finally Timmy began to tell his tale. How his mother was working together with all the other wolves in the big industry complex. How they suffer there, because of the noise and the awful smell. And how their wolves are weakened day by day.

How the rogues infested the pack territory, and Alpha didn’t do anything for it. How the house of Alpha was becoming bigger and bigger and how some pups vanished right after birth, their mothers left behind, desperate. The last pup who vanished despite all efforts to protect him was Germaines little newborn son, just a few weeks ago. His mate, Ginny, was desperate.

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