Another Kaiba in Exodia gold

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When we got back to our dorm we were told we were going to meet our dorm's headmaster, and of course who else could have been our headmaster but another Kaiba? Yikes, I think this dorm's Kaiba cursed.

"Hi everybody, i'm Professor Kaiba, but you can all call me Mokuba" He said.

"Hey, it's uncle Mokuba" Said Takuto, well at least this Kaiba was the only nice one in the Kaiba family.

"Hey Takuto, now guys, before we eat, why dont you all tell me something about yourselves, except for you Takuto, I already know everything about you, after all, you are my nephew" Said Mokuba.

"Well, i'm Yami Muto, son of the king of games Yugi Muto, I want to be a great duelist just like my dad" I said.

"Oh, so your Yugi's son, i'm good friends with your dad" Said Mokuba.

"I still say you shouldn't be uncle Mokuba" Said Takuto.

"Oh come on Takuto, give it a rest, Yugi beat your dad fair and square, your dad's just a big sook" Said Mokuba, yep, I really liked our headmaster after all.

"Whatever" Said Takuto.

"I'm Fritz Wheeler, son of the great Joey Wheeler, I wanna be a great duelist just like him" Said Fritz, yeah, that was repetitive.

"I'm Jasmine Valentine, daughter of Mai Valentine and I wanna kick everyone's butt and be the best in the world" Said Jasmine.

"Finally an individual in the group, Jasmine's the only one in this room who isn't trying to be an exact copy of her famous parent, you guys have to develop your own personalities and your own dreams, I only hope your at this academy because you love to duel and not just because you want to be like your famous parent" Said Mokuba, that really got to me, was I just here because I just wanted to be like my dad? I was going to have to seriously think some things through.

"Okay, now you can all eat" Said Mokuba, and after the long day I had, I completey stuffed my face.

"Boy, Mokuba sure can cook" I said to Fritz.

"It's professor Kaiba" Said Fritz.

"You know he said it's okay to call him Mokuba right?" I asked.

"Yes but it's just more respectful to call him professor Kaiba" Said Fritz, I suppose he had a point but I had a more casual relationship with Mokuba.

"Anyway, he seems like a really nice guy" Said Fritz.

"Yeah, he's the best" I said.

Than we cranked open a couple of cans of creaming soda and drank away until I got a message on my academy issued communicator, it was a video message from Takuto, yeah, where was Takuto?

"Hey loser, tonight at midnight it's on, let's duel! And just to make it interesting, whoever wins get's the losers best card, i'll look forward to getting your best card" Said Takuto, ha, like he was getting my best card, no chance, it's on alright, let's duel indeed!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: the untold story episode 2- Settling into Exodia goldWhere stories live. Discover now