Thick tension blanketed the air inside the room, as an unnerving stillness settled over.

But the silence was broken by Remus, when his curiosity and confusion were too much to bear and asked the question he'd had in his mind.

"How come you didn't even react when Sirius told you his name? You do know he's recognized as a mass murderer across the wizarding nations, right?"

Polaris regarded him with a passive look.

"Yes." She answered calmly "But he is innocent, is he not?" She inquired with a slight tilt of her head and the same polite smile.

Remus furrowed his eyebrows.

"He is," a rough, scratchy voice sounded from further down the table " But you wouldn't know that unless Dumbledor has told you before coming here."

Polaris's magenta eyes fixated on the gruesomely mutilated face of Alastor Moody. His past was a dark and full of excitement -in Polaris's opinion. One of her favourites to listen to, always leaving her to expect the unexpected and learn of the most terrifying encounters that a wizard could have with the dark part of the wizarding world.

"I did not inform her about that," Dumbledor said " nor of who are a part of the Order or anything regarding this subject, really." He beamed.

"Then how-" Remus started confused before being rudely interrupted by the Headmaster.

"That, actually brings us to the reason of why I want her to join the Order."

"It better be good." Mrs. Weasley said stiffly, but her eyes betrayed the confusion and curiosity she felt for the young girl.

"Well, you see, she is quite special -"

"I wouldn't call it special, just a tad more unusual than a normal witch or wizard." The magenta eyed girl corrected as she peered from underneath her long lashes.

"Call it as you wish," he smiled at her kindly "but she has a gift . One that could help the Order immensely."

"And what would that be ?" Sirius asked curiously as he stole a glance at the stoic beauty.

Dumbledor' s eyes twinkled.

"She has the gift of knowledge."

Silence befalled upon the room once again.

"So," Sirius broke the terse silence carefully "you want to add a kid to the Order, because she's smart?" He asked incredulously.

"Have you lost your mind?!" Mrs. Weasley started screaming furiously once again.

Dumbledor rose a wrinkly hand, silencing the muttering that had surrounded the table.

"Why don't you elaborate?" He offered to the girl with a smile.

Immediately, all the attention was directed upon her.

She blinked lazily as her orbs scanned the faces that she already knew, even if she hadn't met them before in her life. She interlocked her dainty fingers and rested her chin upon them as she hummed softly.

"Well, I wouldn't put my knowledge as intelligence, really. It isn't something that I earned by studying, but rather something granted to me." Her lips seemed to change their position, now holding a rather amused smirk instead of her usual polite smile "Besides, what I know cannot be found in any book throughout the entirety of this wretched world. Merlin knows the terrors and imbalance of powers that would occur if it did."

Her words seemed to drip smoothly and wrap around her listeners in a seemingly enchanting way.

"But, to put it more to your understanding," she said softly " I know everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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