The Vega Orphanage for Ladies had been in a state of frenzy since word got out that Polaris Black was leaving them behind and Leaving for England, London to be more precise, to go to a far more prestigious school. Gossipers of the orphanage were also speculating that the Headmaster of the school himself , came to ask for her attendance. Which was true, however, he asked for a different thing from the young beauty.

Few of the girls were actually happy that she was leaving, as it meant that one of the best rooms of the manor would empty for someone else's use as well as less competition in academics, mannerisms and beauty for the young selfish girls.

But the rest were sad. After all one of their sisters were leaving far too soon.

But Polaris didn't really care.

She accepted the wishes for well being, useless advise and the gifts offered with an air of nonchalance and a polite quirk of her constantly ruby lips.

There was only one person that Polaris was sad for leaving behind; she would even go as far to say that she was reluctant to leave them behind. But her thirst for knowledge had to be fed, her desire for a change of scenery burned within her in the form of hungry flames and most of all she needed a cure for her boredom.

So, as she looked at Mrs. Ameridth, the only parental figure in her life as well as a person she truly loved from the bottom of her icy hear, her eyes glossed over with unshed tears and her face set into a stubborn stony expression, Polaris allowed a rare, honest smile to stretch over her full lips and magenta eyes softened as they were cloaked in a soft gentleness.

She wrapped her thin arms around the older women's broad shoulders and settled her head in the crook of her neck, as she used to do when she was far younger and more foolish. She greedily inhaled the familiar rose smell that had soothed her after many nightmares and encouraged her through many moments of weakness and fear; a smell she had adopted for herself as well. She was faintly aware of the woman wrapping her hands around her petite frame in return as her mind swam in a pool of memories.

"Be good, Polaris, and never forget my teachings. " The woman murmured softly in her ear as she ran her long fingers, that had had many dances with the while clapes of the piano, through her long, silky hair.

She then pulled away from her motherly embrace, albeit slightly reluctant and gave the young girl a once over.

"Be careful, write me as much as possible and don't eat peanuts." The woman warned softly. Polaris was indeed allergic to peanuts. When they had discovered this, well, it wasn't a pleasant moment for her as she had a very bad reaction to these particular nuts.

Polaris chuckled gently and kissed both her cheeks.

"I will," she murmured gently "thank you Jenna. For everything."

The woman blinked her eyes harsly, refusing to let any tears leave her blue eyes.

"Go." She ordered with a hoarse voice.

Polaris gave her one last smile, before turning her back on what had been her home for the past fifteen years and walked towards the old man that waited her besides the gates.

He gave her a warm smile which she returned with her usual polite quirk of lips.

"No trunk?" He asked conversationally.

"Shrinking charm." Came her short answer to which he glanced at her sideways before nodding thoughtfully.

"Well, I guess we better leave now." He said as he extended his arm to the young witch.

She gently hooked her arm around the crook of his elbow and when they took a turn into an empty and peculiar smelling side alley, with a loud crack, startling some stray cats they disappeared.

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