Polaris R. Black wasn't kind. Do not get her wrong, she wasn't rude or disrespectful in any way, she was merely, well, uninterested.

She simply didn't care.

However, that was not the case to her fellow acquittance, as she liked to call them, from the Vega Orphanage for Ladies. The girls always tried to converse with her, to befriend her or imitate her, in a futile attempt to become as perfect as she was.

She wasn't perfect. She was far from it actually. Sure, her mannerisms and fluid elegance seemed to be in her blood, her words slipped through her soft lips like honey and her beauty was fit for royalty; but there was much more to a person than what meets the eye.

The girls from the orphanage seemed to disagree.

But what they didn't know was that on the inside, she was an empty shell; a black hole instead of the brightly lit star that her name promoted.

She'd always been like this really, it wasn't anyone's fault.

She had a roof over her head -an expensive one at that-, food to eat - always nutritious and surprisingly delicious - and the comfort of a warm home with plenty of love to offer, and all she was asked in exchange was to bring good marks and act properly, just as Mrs. Ameridth, an English woman that had decided to open an orphanage in France after her French husband had died of a serious case of influenza, had taught them.

Even if Polaris was attending a special kind of school, as Mrs. Ameridth liked to call it in front of the other girls, she was still expected to bring the best results; which she did.

Polaris, was truly thankful for all that life has given her, but there was always a nagging voice -well, not quite a voice as she was constantly surrounded by voices that were silent to others, but rather a feeling, that something was missing.

"Polaris!" A shrill voice cut through the air and reached the young girls ears, piquing her attention but not quite fully.

She didn't bother to respond as she knew that if she was truly needed someone would come and fetch her, witch would be rather bothersome. She was quite comfortable sitting at the large window, gingerly sipping from her cup of tea as she tuned out the voices around her in favor of watching the greenery of the back yard.

"Polaris!" The same shrill voice called, this time closer, before the door banged open with a loud thud.

She didn't even flinch.

At the door was a young girl, about thirteen perhaps fourteen years, with shoulder length blond hair and chocolate eyes. Her skin was slightly flushed as she doubled over, her palms harshly pressed to her knees as she wheezed trying to catch her breath. Perhaps running up the stairs all the way to the third floor wasn't such a good idea after all.

"T-There's-" she stuttered out through her shallow breaths. She quickly took a deep breath, calming her pounding heart and frantic lungs before talking once again, with a clearer speech.

"There's a man downstairs that wants to talk to you."

Polaris gazed wistfully a moment longer at the beautiful and serene view, her eyes trailing behind a leaf that had been taken by the breeze into a gracious tango almost jealously, before directing her eyes to the young girl.

The girl's breath hitched as she gazed, entranced, into the depths of the girl named after a star orbs. That was one of the most strange and yet breath takingly beautiful things in Polaris.

Her unusual magenta coloured eyes.

It intimidated many but they always seemed to be completely astounded by her orbs beauty and losing themselves completely into the pinkish purple hues.

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