A strangled sob escaped from between chapped lips, echoing for a moment through the empty streets before being swept away by the chilling airs of early October.

A cloaked figure walked briskly, their feet soundless on the cracked pavement as it made its way towards a certain yet unidentified location.

The navy cloack swept over the ground sharply, blending into a blur of ominous colors through the darkened air as the figure stopped suddenly in front of a large, ancient looking mansion.

After a moment of hesitation the person started walking again, purpose behind each step before halting in front of the large mahogany door.

The figure peered up, the cloacks hood slipping a few inches over the person's dark hair and showing a woman.

You could tell that she was beautiful, once. The humble light of the crescent moon that hovered over the cold city of Paris fell onto her pearly skin, giving her an angelic glow. However, the bruise like shadows under her eyes, her hollowed cheeks and mated inky hair made her look like a goddess in despair.

Her red rimmed amethyst eyes continuously spilled crystalline beads, staining her cheeks with pain and sorrow at what she was about to do. It was something grave, yet inevitable.

Her sorrow painted orbs glanced down at the bundle of green sheets, within which rested an innocent few months old baby girl.

Her - no, their baby girl.

But she wasn't theirs anymore, as he, her most beloved and her child's father was dead and she the one that had foolishly hoped that her fiancée could conquer over the darkness that loomed above him- them, and escape the clutches of the Lord of darkness himself, was dying.

More tears fell from the corner of her purple coloured eyes, trailing softly over her skin and falling onto the emerald colored sheets.

She harshly gnashed her teeth into her chapped lips, an attempt at concealing her hear wrenching sobs and before she could change her mind and do something rash and foolish that would land both her and her daughter into the certain claws of death, set the bundled up child on the small carped before the door of the orphanage.

Her eyes drank up every single detail of the peaceful sleeping face of the infant, drilling it into her memory.

She sucked in a shuddering breath and got up, her shoulders stiff and eyes bleary.

With a shaky hand she pulled out a single, ripped out parchment paper, an elegant defined calligraphy to the few words scribbled onto it and she tucked it in, right besides the golden necklace the baby wore.

"I love you, my little star," she whispered brokenly "I always will..." she trailed off before turning her back onto the heart shattering sight.

As if sensing the imminent loss of a parent, the child started crying, the high pitched and desperate sound shattering through the silence of the night.

With one last tear sliding down her cheek, the woman glanced behind her before disappearing with a pop, out of sight, and for the last time.

When the child was found in font of the orphanage, by Mrs. Ameridth, a soft yet strict widow that we would layer learn was the owner of the Vega Orphanage for Ladies, all that she found with the child, besides the locket and the soft emerald blankets was a paper with the name Polaris R. Black.

And that's how her story started.

Hey, guys! I know, the first chapter sucks big time and is incredibly short, but bear with me until I get the plot going and I promise you won't be disappointed!
Well, I hope you enjoy! Much love my darlings ;)

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