Mood swings

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( mood swings won!)
~ Mood swings ~

"Babe, would you like one or two sugars in your tea?" Harry asked, shouting from the kitchen. You sat on the couch, silently typing away at your laptop watching vlogs of new parents on youtube.
"Two." you stated, still hitching your eyes to the screen, completely in oblivion to everything around you.
"That's a lot.." Harry muttered to himself, searching throughout the cabinets for the sugar jar. "I heard that Styles." You spoke back at him; but he didn't reply. You rubbed your enlarging baby bump, trying to steady the laptop on top of your swollen bump.
"Here's your tea." Harry walked over to you, setting your tea mug on the table next to you; walking to the empty space on the couch besides you and the baby.
You took a sip from the steaming tea, then wrinkled your nose, by the bitter taste in your mouth you could tell he only put one sugar in it, probably thinking it wasn't healthy for two sugars.
"Taste this." you handed him over the mug of unwanted tea. He sipped the tea, taking a moment to taste it before he replied.
"Tastes lovely." he smiled, poking your nose; happily.
"No, tastes like bitter tea.... with one sugar." You spat, rudely.
"Yea, I only put one because-" he began to defend his unruly position but failed when you butted-in .
"No! I wanted two! you shouldn't have asked me how many I wanted if I was going to be disappointed either way." You paused the youtube video, angrily shutting your laptop. Harry's eyes widened when he noticed your anger building inside of you.
"Calm down. If you want another sugar you can just go get another."
"No. it's all ruined now. " you brought your hands up to your face, hiding your eyes behind the palms of your hands.
A cry began to dribble out from your eyes, leaving Harry dumbfounded by your sudden change in moods. He took the laptop off of your bump, placing it on the table. He pulled you into his chest, embracing you in a giant bear-hug.
"I'm sorry.. it's just my stupid hormones acting all crazy. " you let out a little giggle into his chest causing him to smile at how cute your giggle was.

"Look, there's snow!" Niall squealed like a little child. He gazed out the bedroom window, longing for the chilling snowflakes and snowball fights. "princess ?" he turned around from looking out the window to face you just reading your book- Romeo and Juliet- .
"What's with that smirk, Horan?" you questioned, placing your book down slowly. "let's go!" he shouted a little to powerfully.
"Hey, calm down! I have a head ache" you stated, making him screech to a halt. "oh yea, I forgot your pregnant." he sighed. "and not fun." he whispered to himself, but you were able to hear his thick, Irish accent slice through the silence in the house.
"Niall, why don't you just go outside by yourself? it wouldn't make any difference if I came because I'm not fun."
He raised his eyebrow, noticing the anger boil in your veins.
"Do you not want me?" your voice cracked at the end, eventually collapsing all together.
"Aw , y/n , of course I want you. Your my princess." he joined you on the bed, pulling you onto his lap & rocking you.
"Don't cry, you are loads of fun."
You , of course, thought of it a dirty way. pulling your face up from his chest you peered into his blue eyes, giggling at the thought you were having.
"Y/n! I didn't mean it that way.." he wandered off.
"Uh yes you did." you defended, laughing even more at his innocence.
"Ok, maybe I did.." you both laughed, causing him to crash his soft lips into yours.
"I know your moods are going crazy at the moment. You got so angry at that moment for no reason. You've got that little bit of Irish in you.. Thanks to me."

"That was so dirty Horan! But true" You burst out laughing.

"Dinners ready " you said from the kitchen, carrying two plates full with pasta in it over to the table.
"Here you go, lou bear." you placed the plate in front of him, then taking a seat happily across from him.
You wanted to know what he thought of it so you kept your eyes glued to every move he made. Raising an eyebrow Louis looked at you, "y/n, aren't you going to eat too ?"
"I want to know how you think it is." you returned with an excited smile.
"Alrighty" he scooped up some pasta, placing it in his mouth. His eyes widened, it tasted horrible, he thought of a carful way to say to you how he thought but he just accidents blurted out. "honey, it's flavorless & dry."
You paused, peering down at your plate, disgustingly.
"R-really?" you murmured, your lips starting to quiver.
"Yes, uh no!" He stated noticing you were upset, but was too late; you had burst into tears.
"Babe, I didn't mean it! look!" he shoveled more pasta into his mouth hoping you wouldn't be sad anymore.
"You don't have to do that louis, I'm sorry, my hormones have been going wild."
He looked relieved that you weren't really sad . But after your permission, he raced over to the trash & spat out all of the pasta he had left in his mouth.

"Li, I can't find anything to wear that covers this massive bump!" you complained, peering at you reflection in the mirror. You went on search for another outfit, once you found it you were confident it didn't make you look fat .
"Liam!" you said happily, racing to Liam's side in the laundry room.
"What is it babe?" he smiled at your pure happiness, it was contagious.
"I found an outfit that doesn't make me look pregnant, or fat!" you exclaimed, turning around a few times to show it off.
"Do you like it? does it make me look fat?"
That question caught him off guard, he actually hated the outfit & didn't like the idea of you wanting to hide your pregnancy he thought your baby bump was adorable.
"Y/n, I don't really like the outfit.."
Your smile shrunk down to a frown , and a tear rushed down your hot cheeks.
"I have nothing to wear! I look stupid in everything!" you sobbed, collapsing to the floor in tears.
"I didn't mean it! I meant I didn't like the outfit personally but I did like it on you." He defended, crouching down to your level on the floor .
"I'm so sorry Li, it's my insane hormones.." you wiped a tear away, smiling at his worried face.

"Toast is ready!" Zayn yelled to you, he picked the toast out of the toaster, buttered it & carried the plate over to you.
"Thanks baby." You smiled, kissing him on the cheek. But once you looked at the toast your smile faded. It was burnt to a crisp, and you hated that!
"Zayn! you burnt it!" you whined, poking the flaky toast.
"Sorry, if you want another one then go make it yourself."
"No! I have work to do! I guess the baby isn't important to you." a sob broke from your lips, leaving Zayn in confusment at your very sudden change in moods.
"Baby girl, I'm going to go make new toast right now. Don't cry!"
"No, I can make it myself, my hormones are really acting up.. again." You smiled at the concerned look on his face, making his facial features soften knowing you were alright.


Hope you enjoyed! You guys earned it!
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I cannot believe this book is at 1k already! thank you all who are reading this book!

Ily guys ☺❤ (:

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