Party time......What the hell pt4

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Dedicated to all my supporters

A/N hey guys I'm back and I just wanted to thank all you guys and girls for understanding. Now back to the story.

Party time part 4 (Ending)

Robyn’s POV

Cold. Dark. Loneliness. Is all I feel when he leaves the room. He kept touching me and what he said was very disturbing.


“We’re going to have a great time Robyn.” He laughed evilly. I shuddered at the sound of that. “But not right now my little flower, soon we will be together and nobody will get in our way. Even if I have to kill them. I gasped at that. “

What the hell is wrong with you. That is what a sick and twisted psycho would say.” I said with tears running down my face. “Baby.” He said while attempting to touch my cheek, but to his avail I flinched away.

He got mad but didn't show it. But I saw it in his eyes. He grabbed me by the back of my neck. “ Listen here and listen good Robyn we will be together and you will have my children.

“no.” I said and spitted in his face. Bad idea. The next thing I know I feel a sharp pain on my left cheek. It hurts like hell but I can't shed no more tears.

I miss bonnie and the three giants. I know they are worried, but I have to stay strong for them. Before he left he said this.

“ I know who your stalker is and he's closer than you think. Oh and bonnie I wouldn't trust her as much.” He said with hatred laced with every single word.I said not believing what he just said. I am furious right now. “ how dare you talk bad about bonnie like that she is the most trus-” he silenced me.

“ before you even finish that word if you ever escape, and I doubt that you will check her phone. Do you ever  wonder why she never let's you see or get on her phone.” He said with a raised eyebrow.

Now that he mentions it she has never let me see her phone or use it. Not that I have to. It never really bother me until now. I looked away from him. With that he walked out.

Now I'm sitting here thinking about the past few years of my life. Have they really been a lie. As for Bonnie I'm going to look at her phone, but I must go undetected when she is with not around her phone. With that I here gun hearing gunshots firing.


Hello guys you will be receiving an update Saturday until then by lovelies.

Xoxo Harley

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