Chapter 3

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Kalahi P.O.V.

Ring.... ring... ring...

"C'mon, c'mon pick up the phone Zuri!" I whispered loudly looking back over my shoulder with my huge white and black three piece suitcase next to me.

Ring... ring... ri-

"Zuri thank-" I stopped as we realized it was the answering machine. Shaking my head I called for an uber to Zuri's apartment while walking out our parents giant gate. " I can't believe they would do me like this!" I yelled to myself feeling anger rising out of me while climbing into the uber. "Lovely night huh miss?" Rolling my eyes my looked up at the uber driver. " I'm not in the mood for a conversation." I snapped while putting my headphones on. Looking down at my iPhone and put on SZA Garden.

" Need you for the old me
Need you for my sanity
Need you to remind me where I come from
Can you remind me of my gravity?
Ground me when I'm tumblin', spiralin', plummetin' down to Earth
You keep me down to Earth
Call me on my bullshit
Lie to me and say my booty gettin' bigger even if it ain't
Love me even if it rain
Love me even if it pain you
I know I be difficult
You know I be difficult
You know it get difficult to"

I turn down my music as I pulled up to my sisters apartment. "Have a nice day." The uber driver said as i got out of the car.

"Whatever!" I said as I slammed the door. While walking up the concrete steps I opened up the broken door to enter the building. A horrible smell greeted my face scrunching up my face walking to the end of the hall.

 "This place smells worse and worse every time. I don't understand why she stays here." Knocking on the door softly waiting on Zuri to answer the door. When she didn't answer I banged on the door harder

"ZURI! Stop ignoring me! Open the door!!!" I felt water flood my eyes.

"Where is she!" I kicked the door in frustration.

My phone started to ring. "Zuri" flashed across the screen.

I answered the phone "Zuri where the fuck are you!!!" I yelled while wiping my tears.

"One: who the fuck are you yelling at? And Two: I'm in Italy. I told you this a month ago. But what I want to know is what is it that has you so worked up?" She spoke calmly as usual.

"Marcus is who! I need a place to stay. Is there a way I can get on a plane right now to get to you!? Please say yes. I have nowhere to go." I felt my eyes water again.

"Yeah, baby girl get a ride to the airport and I'll figure everything out for you okay?" Zuri said.

"Okay." I hung up the phone and got a uber to go to the airport.

Azurée (Zuri)

"I can't believe this man." I said lowly sitting up in my bed trying to mentally prepare my mind for the day. Getting out of the bed I walked to my baby room to check in on her. She was sleeping peacefully in the bed.

"Well what do I expect it's 1:00pm and we just got in a few hours ago." I laughed walking down the stairs to make some lunch. Taking out the bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, and chips.

"Dang it! I'm starting my whole day while Lani is stranded." I ran upstairs to my room grabbed my marble Mac book and looked up flights with Delta airlines. I seen a flight for 8:45. I  grabbed my phone and called Lani.

"Hello?" She answered. "Hey, baby girl, the flight leaves as 8:45 you do have your passport right?" I forgot all about that. "YES why wouldn't I?" She replied with a attitude.

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