Chapter 2

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I'm going still editing. Stay patient with me.
I also love y'all for taking y'all time out to read my crazy stuff. Lol

Zuri (Azurée) P.O.V.

After getting off of a 17 hour plane ride. We made our way out of the airport with a backpack.

"Mommy?" Aida said pulling on my long white cotton sweater.

"Yes baby doll?" I answered looking around for our uber.

"Where's other clothes?" She looked up at me confused. I giggled

"Baby doll. I had it shipped to our new place." I started to look again up again for the Uber.

"Mommy what does-" I interrupted her.

"Hold on love, I have to call these people." I pulled out my iPhone and called the person. "I know it doesn't take this long to pick someone up. For Pete sakes we are at a airport! Easy money!!" I thought as the phone rung.

After a 5 minute call of me trying to translate and try to say some things in Italian the best way possible. The car they had didn't even leave their last destination. So we have to wait five minutes. "I could've sworn with Uber they keep you updated." I thought annoyed. 

"Baby doll, Let's go sit on the bench while we wait." I grabbed her tiny little brown hands and we walked towards the wooden bench.

"Momma umm where is- is- is- " she started to stutter. She only stutter when she is nervous or excited.

"Slow down its okay." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Daddy, where is daddy? Is he still on a trip?" She looked down at her shoes. Rocking them back and forth slowly. I feel so bad lying to her telling her her father is on a trip. But I had no choice. I didn't know what else to tell her! I had to come up with something fast and that's the best thing I came up with. Also, I didn't want to lie and say he was dead or something dramatic around that area. Now I have to make up something quick!

"Umm yeah, sweetie he is. He is still on his trip. Sadly." I said pulling at my sleeves. I tend to do that when I'm nervous.

"How long is this trip!" She said with a little attitude.

"Well, I don't know love. We will have to see!" I was starting to get irritated with these questions.

"How about you play on your tablet till it's time to go." I pulled out her tablet from my bag. Aida played while we waiting for the uber to come. Once the uber came we got in.

"Signora Ciao!" ( hello madam)!The driver said.

"Uhh ciao sir?" I said hoping I said hello the right way. I'm a little rusty.

"You live far YES?" He said while he hooked up the details to see the address and the distance from the airport.

"I don't really know. I've never really looked up the distance honestly." I looked in the mirror to see his light green eyes. He looked at me as if he was admiring me in a way.

"Ahh I see. I see... You African or something?" He asked. I know he wasn't being rude he was just curious. 

"I'm Nigerian and Jamaican." I gave him a side smile.

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