Chapter 1

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I took one last look of my beloved room, which was once filled with all of my belongings. Now, it's empty. I would miss the fond memories of having awesome sleepovers and binge watching Netflix on my comfy bed, and looking out my large window at the breathtaking oak forest just across the street. The moving truck was parked outside, stacked with almost everything we owned. I heard a loud slam of the truck's back door slam, letting the sight of old contents of our house be replaced with an old metal hatch. 

My name is Scarlet, I am the only child of a loving husband and wife. I have a cat named Chloe, and I went to an amazing school filled with awesome people. I had the most supporting group of friends, they were all in the band program with me. Once I told them I was moving away, it was like they had lost a loved one. I received what seemed like hundreds of bear hugs, cards, and boxes of chocolates. They told me to never forget them and to text and call regularly. 

Not one ounce of me was filled with excitement. My dad got transferred to another office building, they offered him a better position and a raised pay. He gladly took the offer. Meaning, my whole life would get uprooted. I get to leave many amazing people behind, and it's taking every bit of me not to run to my best friends house and stay there forever. 

I know I'm being slightly irrational, but I can't help but feel torn.

There's a large chance I won't get to see my friends again, all I can rely on for their contact is a 10 digit number that could easily be lost if I'm not responsible with my phone. I guess social media is a thing too, but it just wouldn't be the same. 

My mother told me it would be difficult to adjust to the major change, but in the end I'll be happy. New friendships will blossom, maybe for the better. 

I certainly hope she isn't lying.

I heard a sudden honk from the street. I sprinted out of my old home, taking one last glance of it before hopping into my mom's car. The car started moving, leaving the house behind. Lovely memories came flashing back, bringing tears to my eyes. Chloe, my cat, crawled onto my lap. I stroked the back of her ears as the chapters of my relatively good life came flooding back.

My dad glanced back at me, then looked out the window. I knew he was feeling guilty, and I feel bad for making him like this, but a part of me is just telling me to cry. To miss where I came from, to miss my school, my band, my friends. I guess this is my way of letting my feelings go. I am proud of my dad, he works extremely hard and deserves this. I just wish we could stay. 

We arrived at the new house about 8 hours later, it was a nice place. It was made from limestone, and had dark brown wood covering the perimeter of the glass windows. A few small flowered bushes were planted by the sidewalk, giving it a more welcoming look. A brown wooden fence blocked the view of the backyard. I grabbed my small dufflebag from the trunk, opening it to find my most prized possessions.

My mom clasped her hands together, smiling cheerfully.

"Its so beautiful," she gasped, my dad chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Do you like it Scarlet?" I looked at my father, showing a slight smile.

"Yeah, I like it."

"Well, let's go inside." My mom practically sprinted to the door, swinging it open.

The inside was even more glamorous than the outside. White tiles lay beneath our feet, my face heated when I realized that I could see my reflexion from the floor. A stairway, guarded by a fancy railing, was right next to the front door. I trailed further down the house.

My eyes snapped to the kitchen, beautiful granite counters brought out the dark and shiny microwave, oven, and refridgerator. I wouldn't be lying if I said I loved this house, it truly is a work of art. 

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