Catching Up With Cara

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"So how was last night?" Rowen asked.

"Huh?" I looked up from my phone.

We were currently in the car, on our way to Giorgio Armani's party. Giorgio was a very social, stylish man, so I was quite dressed up for this event.

"With Justin." She said, crossing her arms and getting comfortable in her seat so she could hear all the details.

I wasn't going to give them to her though. I was still upset with her little paparazzi stunt.

"We ended up not doing anything." I shrugged, looking back down at my phone. "I went home right after we got interrupted."

"I don't believe you."

"You're the one who ruined it, Ro." I said bluntly.

"Whatever, you're over exaggerating." She rolled her eyes. "It's nothing he's not used to."

"Just because he's used to it doesn't mean he likes it." I say.

"We've arrived, ladies." Advik announced.

I got out of the car without waiting for Ro.

"Don't you dare go on that carpet without me." I heard her footsteps quickly trying to catch up with me.

I ignored her and stepped on the carpet anyway as the press began to take pictures and holler my name to look in their direction.

"Dammit, Vivian! You needed a touch up!" I heard her call out.

I continued to smile at the cameras and pretended that I didn't hear her.

After about five minutes of smiling, my jaw and cheekbones began to hurt. I looked away from the flashing lights and at the end of the carpet, I saw a good friend of mine.

Cara Delevingne.

"Oh my gosh, Cara!" I waved, trying to get her attention.

She stopped what she was doing, and looked around with a confused look on her face. "Did someone call my name?" I saw her say.

I walked up to her and surprisingly took her in for a hug. "It was me, babe!"

She gasped. "Vivian! I didn't know you were going to be here! What the fuck!"

Cara and I met at a Victoria's Secret audition. People tried to tell us to look at each other as competition. Instead, we just became really great friends.

By the way, if you're wondering. Cara got to walk the runway. I never got a callback.

"Didn't you hear, I'm the face of his new fragrance coming out." I told her.

"Get the hell out of here. Are you really?" She squeezed my arm and smiled. "Congratulations, babe!"

The press began to call out our names so we decided to take a few together.

Then Cara and I decided that we were both starving, so we went into the venue and grabbed a table for just the two of us.


"There's only four meals on the menu. Giorgio must be saving his money." Cara laughed.

"He's probably going to go all out for his fashion show." I say, looking over the menu. There wasn't much to choose from. And I couldn't even pronounce what there was to eat.

"Oh my gosh! Vivian? Are you walking the runway?" She asked, slamming down her menu.

I shrugged and smiled. "I'm trying to! It'd be a big start in my career. I've been practicing with a mentor and all."

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