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I have to find her.
The chilling winter breeze swept through Pearl's hair. The weather had been relentless ever since her search had begun. She refused to let it bother her. The more ferocious the weather became, the more her determined attitude increased. Each step brought a new level of pain as she trudged through the bleak wilderness. She gritted her teeth and continued to move forward, her breaths becoming a whirlwind of steamy puffs. She felt herself growing closer to her final destination. The tension in the air had undeniably escalated since the start of her journey. I can't quit now.. I'm so close to her... so close that I can nearly feel her warmth. The mere thought of her gave Pearl a new strength and willpower to continue her mission. She shielded her face with her arm as a single hailstone flew at her. Within seconds the hailstones were spewing angrily from the dull sky, striking her body with a stinging pain. She clenched her fists together and bit her lower lip to keep herself from crying out. The speed of the breeze intensified to a powerful gale that seemed to shriek in her ears, drowning out all other sound. She dragged her feet across the ground in a shuffling motion to keep from being forced backwards by the storm. So... close... She thought as she collapsed onto her weary knees. She reached out in front of herself longingly, hoping to grasp anything she could find that could somehow take her back to a time when she'd had everything she'd ever wanted. I'm sorry Rose... I've failed you again. What would it have taken to earn your love?! Her bloodshot eyes filled with tears as she pounded the ground with her fist. She slumped downwards, her shoulders shaking from the tears that flowed down her chapped face and into the unstoppable maelstrom that surrounded her. She squeezed her eyes shut to protect them from the hailstones that fell in torrents from the gray clouds that loomed overhead. She felt the burning pain of the hailstones abruptly stop. She sensed a warmth looming above her, sheltering her from the violent storm. The wind ceased from an unbearable whistle to a mere whisper as the presence knelt down beside her, slinging a graceful arm around her shivering shoulders. The touch seemed to heal all of her worries. It seemed to understand and sympathize with her emotions. Although she hadn't set eyes upon the presence, she instinctively knew who it was. "Rose..." she tenderly murmured. The presence didn't respond. She sniffled. "I love you." "I love you too, Pearl." Pearl's eyebrows furrowed. Some aspect about Rose's voice seemed amiss. She sat up and whipped her head around only to gaze at three teary multi-colored eyes. Her jaw hung open with shock as she realized who had really been behind her the entire time. "Garnet?!"

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