The selection games

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So hi peeps I decided to combine two GREAT novels, the selection and the hunger games. So I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Selecting

I sat up rubbing my eyes. Today was the selection. 35 girls names are drawn at random from random castes and districts. Our castes determine our life basically. It helps us know what job we will have, the castes are determined by where we live too. I live in district 5, so I am a 5. Im a singer, most 5's are painters though. we don't get paid much though. We are one of the poorest castes, but not as poor as sevens. They were school Janitors, no one really likes jobs as janitors or garbage collectors. We use to have 13s but the 13s down to the nines were all destroyed in World war 4 so now the lowest Castes is 8. I threw my thin blanket off me and let my feet brush the floor. there was a knock on my window. I turned to look. It was Aspen. Aspen and I had been secretly dating for a two years now. He was a six, my parents want me to marry a three or a two but I love Aspen.

I flipped up the window, "Hey!" I said laying a kiss on his cheek he crawled through the window his black hair collected glimpses of sunlight, his green eyes reflecting them. I was on the border of district 5 and he was on the border of district 6, we didn't live even a mile apart. "I missed you." he said hugging me. "missed you too." I said to him. He leaned in and handed me a penny, "sing for me?" he asked. I nodded, and sang one if my favorite songs, it was a lullaby. It was really old too but it was beautiful it was called: Lullaby in bird land. He smiled, he was a six so he was pretty poor and he felt bad because he couldn't pay me to sing like others did so he payed me in pennies. I collected them and now I have almost a jar full. He kissed me on my lips when I finished singing. "You are beautiful,amazing and so so talented." he said gazing in my eyes, "I have to go, I have an early shift.But America... I need to tell you something... I need to break up with you Im sorry, I will explain later, its just not gonna work." he kissed my cheek then climbed back out of the window. my face flushed... WHAT!? I had to act like nothing was wrong though or my family will find out.

I particularly didn't want to be picked, and what were my odds? Probably pretty good, if I was put in the games I'd have to fight to live for an imaginary love and marry someone I didn't want to, If I had the choice to live this way forever, or go to the games and live to the end and marry Prince Maxon I would pick staying normal. I didn't want his money or his crown. I wanted Aspen and only Aspen even if he didn't want me. He had some mega explaining to do.

I walked down the hall, my family making a commotion in the kitchen. I let out a sigh. If I got picked,each day I stay alive they get a one grand, yeah that money will put food in the table for months. I sighed again and walked in. My mom was the first to realize I was there. "AMERICA!" she exclaimed, "Your awake, how good, The selection drawling is today! Aren't you excited!" She asked rhetorically. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah mom, sure... I also can't wait to get a golden microphone with a diamond increasted speaker! we all know that's not gonna happen." I said adding an edge to my voice to make her understand that I want to drop the topic.

She clearly didn't understand because she kept talking, "Of course it could happen! Don't you want to get picked?!" She asked a little angry now. I looked at my dad who had a sad look in his eyes. "Mom, Im gonna be straight with you. 35 girls go in, one comes out. The one that comes out is a cold hearted murderer who just proved themselves able to withstand a rebel attack in district one, where the prince is. So frankly no, no person in the right mind would want to be picked." I said. I couldn't help but notice my dad smile a little, I could always count on him. I looked to my younger sister May who was in her boy crazy stage. She looked a little disappointed she really wanted me to go, but now she must have realized my odds.

Gerald my brother was giving me a thumbs up. He hated mushy love stuff. My mom looked not only mad but raging I could see a fire behind her eyes. I took a step back just in case she lashed out.To my surprise she didn't. I walked back into my bedroom and my mom followed. Usually girls would be overjoyed about being pick. What's the point? I let out a sigh. My mom got me all dolled up, I looked like a frickin red headed Barbie. "Now look how pretty you are." she said gazing into the mirror at me. I still didn't see it. I don't look pretty, I don't think I do at least. I walked into the family room in heels, which by the way I fail at walking in. My sister May was the first to see me, she squealed and jumped up and down with joy. My dad just starred and my brother made a sick face, believe me I was with him, I hated wearing dresses.

We left for the town square in a hurry.when we got there practically the whole town filled it. We squeezed in. The towns tv was stationed in the center so we can all watch the report where they tell us the lucky 35 girls who get to go to district 1 to fight to the death for the crown. I let out a sigh, minutes later it turned on, the kings face appeared on the screen. I looked at it thoroughly, he began to speak about the recent rebel attacks and the other news but I usually tune out then. Finally he got to the list of girls going into the selecting games.

Finally he started to list them off, " Celeste from 2, Marlee from 4, Ashley from 4, America from 5, Tiny from-" I didn't hear the rest. The whole town screamed, hooted, whistled and clapped. I was overwhelmed. WHAT?!?!? No frickin way. No way in HELL was I going to go. No way. The peace keepers were already making their way toward me. I wanted to turn to run but I couldn't it was like my legs were glued in place. That was it, I was off to the famous district 1.

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