Chapter Seven: Detained

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That stupid bitch was making her mad.

Alison tried hard to keep her mouth shut. It was difficult, when she was making personal comments about Ali.

Ms. Travis was the 'new' English Lit teacher. A very vindictive, bitchy teacher. She looked about twenty five, and had blonde hair, page boy style. She looked young, which was probably why the hag was a mean, terrible-

Woah. Not like her to abuse people in her mind. She told people what she thought about them right to their face. Unfortunately, she couldn't do that to a teacher, no matter how young she was.

"You do realize that you're extremely ill-behaved, don't you?" She said with a nasty smile. Blah blah blah. Another stupid speech by another teacher who just didn't get what all Ali was about. Their small, narrow minded brains couldn't comprehend her. He he he.

"No, I don't, Ms. Travis. You do realize that I don't care, right? To me, that would be just someone stepping out of the set way of behaving in a normal circumstance. I won't call it 'ill-behaving'. Now, what are you detaining me for?"

Ms. Travis had narrowed her eyes, but now, that stupid nasty smile lit up her hag like face.

"I'm detaining you, Alison, simply because I don't like you. Not a valid reason, but rest assured, I'll make one up. You're a silly child, floating high in the air. Now, if you'll excuse me-"

"Just what do you think you're doing, you vindictive bitch?" Oops. She just abused a teacher. Shit. But Ali also didn't care. Detained just because she wasn't liked? What was up with that?

Ms. Travis turned a light shade of red. Then she said in a low voice.

"Just for that, I'm going to make you miserable. Beware, Alison Thomas, I can be your most pleasant dream-or your worst nightmare. And I know just the way to make you miserable."

What was happening to the world? A teacher threatening a student? She could go to jail for that! But Ali held her breath.

"I hear that you're extremely good in English Lit. And also Bio. I wonder how you would feel if I SOMEHOW made their final papers, especially for you, un passable? If you would leave middle school at all??"

There it was then. A barely concealed threat. Scratch that, a full on threat. Not to leave middle school at all? Crap. She thought that stuff happened only during the senior year.

Ali gulped and held down the new barge of insults that she wanted to say. Better to shut up before she became extra mad. Ms. Travis smiled at her silence.

"Oh, look, the time is over! How unfortunate! Well, Miss Thomas, we had a lovely time. Hope to see you tomorrow-and next year." Then she laughed very evilly. Yikes. That woman was gone. Ali had to plan now-to avoid repeating eighth grade, and to teach the bitch a lesson.

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