The Great Move

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Hey guys tell me what you think. Sorry it took me so long to put up the new chapter my computer went down

Tel me what you think love it hate it or just dont know I love hearing from you guys thank you again to who ever reads this


I stood on the battle field facing my alpha. He had taken my spare sword and was about to spare with me. We had spared several times before, and as of yet, i have never beat him. He was the one who tot me the sword and as it stands he was extremely good. I drew my two short swords twisting them in my hands feeling the familiar weight. I stood in my favorite stance putting one sword in front of me across my chest and the other straight out to my right side. The alpha smiled he thought he would beat me this time just like all the others, but i was pissed and rage was on my side. During a spare we forgot that we were friends and looked at each other as enemies, it helped us battle one another. He made the first move by coming at me and swinging for my legs which i dogged bring my right hand sword in a swing for his chest that he left open he jumped back with ease.

"Did you think it would be that easy Jade." he mocked me.

I had to keep my cool with him as soon as i got to upset he would win. I lunged for him again he easily pushed my word to the side. I side stepped swinging for his back. It made contact, he stumbled and re rose to a fighting position. Our swords had guards on them to keep us from slicing each other in two but we could still brake bone easily. I smiled as he rolled his shoulder trying to ease the pain from my weapons contact with his body. We had already been at this for four hours both of us were getting tired and making mistakes. I had several bruises from were he had made contact with my body. I was breathing heavily and my weapons were getting very heavy from practice. I moved in for a kill shot, swing both my swords together as one with so much force i knocked his blade from his hand. I brought my swords together again taking a step forward and placing the tip of my blade at his throat.

"Looks like I win cousin." I said with a smile i was final triuphant. I slid my swords in there shelth on my back a turned to leave, walking back towards the house. I heard him coming up on me fast. Before i knew it i was on the ground hitting my head hard on the hard earth. I looked up at him. Man today was not my day, first a hangover, now a concussion

"First rule of battle Jade." he said scowling at me.

" Never turn your back on an enemy unless he's dead or unconscious." how could I be so stupid I thought to my self.

" That mistake can cost you your life. Don't get to cocky. There will always be some one better then you, and the only way your going to beat him is to wait for him to make a mistake then you take him out much like i did you." he told me. I knew he was teaching me a good lesson, as i had become cocky sparing with an untrained pack that most didn't use weapons which gave me a large advantage. He held out his hand to help me up. I took it and walked side by side with my alpha and master. As we walked closer to the house he turned to me putting a hand on my arm.

" I know you don't like me for making you go back to your fathers but they need you."

" I understand i really do. I was mad but not any more.Its my duty to help the other packs with my abilities. I cant say no just because i was once hurt by them. Hopefully they just grow a lot why i was away." i told him truthfully.

" Some times i wonder who you really are Jade. You really surprise me sometime." he said shacking his head

"That's because I'm cool like that." i said with a big grin.

" And there's the child Jade that i know." he said with a small chuckle. We continued our walk towards the house again

" I want you to really think about the rogues that our attaching your father. There will be a meeting a two hours i want to discuss our options. Please inform the others." he told me walking into the kitchen from the back door. We walked into the back putting out weapons in the sword cabinet that was hidden in the wall. I took of the straps from my harness placing it inside before closing it. I came out and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Opening and drinking its contents in one sitting. I throw the bottle in the recycling and walked into the living room wear i saw the my brothers and Zack and jack sitting. They were watching some slasher move. I watched from the door way as the slit her throat and the blood dripped down her body.

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