the final supper / the big decision (part 2)

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I hopped in the car with mom and Xander.

"Where's Reid?" I asked.

"That Chinese boy asked him to go inside," she casually said, messing around with the radio. I rolled my eyes.

"First of all, that's Steven, he's Korean and that's borderline racist," I said matter-of-factly.

"Okay Miss, I get it, you know everything," she hit me back with. "That writer fella mentioned Reid wanted to meet the cast and that we shouldn't have been sent away as abruptly as we did," she said.

"We don't have a lot of time," I moaned, jealous that Robert liked Reid and didn't particularly like myself all too much.

"What are you in a big rush for?" she asked, sorting her make up in the car mirror. My mother is, hands down, the vainest person I have came across (and I've worked with some of the vainest people in the people in the business).

"I have a meal with the cast this evening," I replied, unlocking my phone.

"Where, when, why, who?" she said, swinging round in the car.

"I'm not too sure, tonight, Scott's final supper, it's a tradition on set before a characters final seen is filmed and the whole cast," I said, not paying much attention.

"I'm not too sure about that Skye," she said. I looked her dead in the eye.

"I am going," I said.

"Not if I say you're not."

,"Give me a good reason why I can't bond with my castmates, give me one."
She couldn't.

"I need to speak to someone about it, what about me and Xander and Reid?" she asked.

"Well it isn't all about you and the boys now is it?" I yelled, frustrated that she wasn't letting me get my way.

"Well the world doesn't revolve around you Skye, even if you act it," she yelled back, practically nose to nose.

"Xander goes to sleep at 7pm anyway," I offered in my defence.

"And what about Reid? What will poor Reid do while you're out there having the time of your life? Why are you being so inconsiderate?"

"Maybe you're right," I said as she hypnotised me into the role of the villain.

"You may go this evening but you must do well on the show or your father and I will be very disappointed." Disappointment is a word that can make any person grovel for forgiveness.

"I promise," I sincerely replied.

"I still need to speak to someone who's going to be there to make sure that you aren't lying."

"I have Norman's son's number," I offered.

"Who's Norman?"

"An actor on the show," I said, letting the rookieness go over my head.

"Ring it for me then," she snapped. I called it and Mingus answered before the second ring.



"What's up?" he asked.

"Can I speak to your dad?"

"Uh, sure, is everything alright?"

"Everything good, I just really need to speak your dad."

"Oh," he mumbled, disappointedly. "I'll just put him on."

"Skye?" I heard Norman check down the phone.

"Norm, speak to my mom," I said, passing the phone to my mom. They spoke for a few minutes before mom acted all giggly and childish, thanking him for doing 'that'.

"Mr Reedus said he will take you to the restaurant and bring you home," she replied throwing my phone back at me, carelessly. We sat in pure silence until Reid appeared with Robert.

"Sorry for stealing your son as long as I did Mrs Monroe," Robert said. "He's a real character."

"Oh he's a charm," she said. "He's a lovely, lovely boy."

"I know, ma'am, I'll see you bright and early tomorrow Skye, you can give me a hand, maybe co-direct an episode," he said, patting my shoulder from the window mom had pulled down.

"That'd be amazing, sir," I replied.

"See you then," he said. "Bye guys."

"Well get in the back and let your brother in," she snapped. I look at her, shocked as I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out. I jumped into the back and pushed Xander's backpack over.

"Be careful with your brother's things," mom said.

"Sorry mom," I replied.

"You should be."

We drove home and I got ready for this evening.


I finally drew in my eyebrows and applied red lipstick. I was wearing a tartan dress with a leather collar, black tights and a brown pair of brogues. My hair was curled and perfect, if I do say so myself. I walked from my room in the hotel and into the lounge area.
Mom slightly peered up from her newspaper.

"A little slutty don't you thing?" she scoffed. I looked down at the dress that reached below my knees. "It's not that flattering either." I looked over to Reid.

"I agree with her," Reid replied. I gulped. "Kinda makes you look a little podgy." I looked at mom. She nodded. I stormed out the apartment and sat down on the pavement. Norman came round on five minutes later.

"What's up troublemaker?" he asked. I shook my head, holding back the tears.

"Nothing," I lied. I looked in the front and Chandler was sitting in the front and Mingus in the back. Chandler opened the door.

"Looking good, m'lady," he said, letting me in the front. I smiled as we drove to the restaurant. I smiled as we pulled up to Planet Hollywood.

"Wilson is a sucker for memorabilia," he said. It goes without saying, paparazzi floddded the parking lot. "Fucking filthy animals." Norman pulled into a parking lot, narrowly missing about four of them. "You ready for this kids?"

"Let's go," Chandler said. He and Mingus jumped out the car, Chandler opening the door for me and offering my hand, and I took it, pulling me out as we went. He and Mingus walked on either side of me. Norman lit a cigarette as he walked not far from us.

"Chandler, Chandler are you dating Skye? Mingus is she yours? Smile honey!" a group of them yelled. They knew no boundaries as they came closer.

"Step away from the girl please," Norman said as Chandler held my arm. We walked into the restaurant. A man was waiting already.

"Reservation under Wilson, Scott," Norman said.

"We're going to need some ID from you sir," the man said. "And for you to put that cigarette out please before I ask you to leave the premise." He stared at the guy, rebelliously took a puff out of the cigarette, blew it out of the side of his mouth and stubbed it out on his belt and threw it in the bin a good five metres away. He pulled his wallet out and showed him the ID. He grabbed four menus and escorted us into a back room. Scott, Steven, David, Robert and Andrew will already there. Also Laurie Holden, the lady who played Andrea, and Sarah Wayne Callies, who played Lori, sat there. Laurie came over, she's the only one I've been starstruck by at this point.

"Hello beautiful," she said. My jaw sat ajar as I muttered 'hello'. She hugged me tightly and went to sit down.

"I love you," I cringingly said. She smiled.

"Thanks sweetie," she said, playing with my ombréd hair. "Will you take a picture with me?"

"I'd loved to!" I gushed. Andrea was truly my favourite character. She got her phone out and snapped a picture. "Beautiful." Sarah came over.

"I hear you're playing my boys love interest," she abruptly greeted me with.

"Well, we'll see," I smirked. She hugged me and sat down next to Andrew. I sat down next to Chandler. The cast entered in drips and drabs. My phone buzzed up.

'@Laurie_Holden: Me and @SkyeMonroe, such a beautiful and sophisticated young lady.' I retweeted it and gained 1,000 followers.

"What's the plan?" Chandler whispered.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You and I, well Carl and Cleo. I'm for it," he said. I thought for a second.

"Give me until dessert," I whispered back. I didn't order a starter, not after what mom and Reid said. Melissa was late coming in and she sat down at the table. Everyone mingled, normally around Scott. Melissa headed down to the bar. I rushed to catch up with her.

"Melissa," I half yelled, half spoke. She turned round.

"Skye? What's wrong sweetie?" she asked.

"I need your advice," I said. She smiled.

"You wanna talk about the thing earlier?" she asked. Her remembering this made my knotted stomach collapse. She cared enough to remember.

"Please," I replied. There was a little private bar down the hallway with a table.

"What's on your mind?"

"If Carl and Cleo should date or not," I confessed.

"What's your main problem?"

"That I end up falling for him and he's not all he's cracked up to be." She laughed.

"What makes you thing that's going to happen?" she asked. I blushed. "You didn't."

"Just a kiss," I insisted.

"Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed.

"But please, please, please don't tell anyone Melissa, please!" I begged.

"I won't, but going back to our Cleo/Carl predicament, I'm going to give you the best advice I've ever been given; Listen to your head and your heart. If they're align you're doing it right but if they're not, then you have a problem."

I stopped and thought for a second. "My head says not to go through with it but my heart's telling my head no."

"Well there you go. Honestly Skye, you're in a good place right now. They want you. The cast literally adore you and we only met you eight hours ago. You're going to be a star and sometimes in show business you don't get to do what makes you comfortable and that's okay because it's fun, it's exciting, it's new and it's all an experience for you!"

"Thank you so much Melissa," I said hugging her.

"Anytime Skye, honestly," she said, holding my face in her hands. "Can I ask you something?"


"Why do you seem so sad?"

I gulped. Was it that obvious.

"I'm not."


"It's nothing, just something my mom and brother said before I left."

"What did they say to you?"

"They just said I didn't look nice, they called me fat," I mumbled. Melissa covered her mouth as I cried. She reached over to me and I bawled. I heard heels click their way over.

"What's up with her Mel?" I heard Lauren say. Melissa explained.

"That's awful," I heard Laurie reply.

"Sweetie," Laurie said. I looked up. "Don't get so upset, you're beautiful and, if anything, you look underweight. Are you hungry? You didn't eat much dinner." It's true. I picked a soup and I had a few spoonfuls.

"No," I lied.

"If you are we'll get you something, okay," Lauren said. I nodded.

"Hey, could you do me a favour and not say to my mom about this? Please?" I begged. The three girls looked at each other.

"Okay, but if this keeps happening then you have to let us know okay?" Melissa said.

"Okay," I replied.

"C'mon let's go back," Melissa suggested, taking my hand. We all walked back and as we reached the doorframe, we bumped into Steven, Norman, Mingus and Chandler.

"Where the hell did you go badass? Had me worried sick!" Norman said. Mingus grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I burrowed my face into his shoulder. Chandler's face was a canvas filled with anger and betrayal. Mingus let me go, finally, and Chandler stood, foot on the wall and arms crossed, dominantly. He came over and hugged me too.

"Don't be sad," he mumbled softly in my ear. "A girl as pretty as you shouldn't cry tears as ugly as you have." I rolled my eyes.

"Never say something as stupid as that again to me again." I laughed, messing up his hair. "Dork."

He held me by waste and smirked, as we walked to our seat. He pulled it out. "M'lady." If I could have any phrase could wash off the face of the planet it'd definitely be this one. I thanked him. I ordered dessert, a key lim pie, but I probably won't eat it. From now on, I need to watch what I eat. As the waiters lay our plates down, I was talking to David about him starring in my favourite Shakespearean play this winter. Chandler patted me on the back. I turned round.

"We can talk about it in detail another time, huh," David said, winking.

"Sure, thing sir," I said. He patted my back.

"What's up Riggs?" I said. He pointed to his cake. It was a plain, chocolate cake. He had a tube of icing in his pocket. "What the..."

"Shh, don't speak, just watch." He took the icing out and look around before he squeezed it onto his cake. He finished up the last letter. I read it aloud.

"Just say yes."

"What do you say? Can Cleo be Carl's lady?"

"Of course she can," I said. He leaped up, fist in the air, not caring who seen him. "Guys, Kirkman especially, Skye and I have an announcement," he said, pulling me up to stand. He put his arm round my waist and smiled. "After some discussion regarding future plot line, Skye and I have agreed to Robert's proposal for our character to date."

We were met with cheers and whoops and claps. I looked at Melissa, who raised her glass.

"To Skye, the new member of the family," she looked me in the eye and everyone yelled 'To Skye.'

m'lady [Mingus Reedus // Chandler Riggs FanFic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant