Prolouge-The Scholar's History

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Midway summary of my data on my study of Changelings. I have discovered over 50 species. Only three known species that have completely different body types than the rest.

  Hmm... what else have I learned...? I thought to myself as I set the inked quill down. Oh, right. Almost forgot about that. I picked up the quill and continued writing.

  I have discovered nine species without fangs, including my own.

  I ran my rounded tongue across my smooth teeth as I thought about all the species with fangs.

  There are three species who are ruled by multiple Changelings.

  Not mine, I thought to myself.

  There are seven species without holes anywhere on their bodies.

  I looked down at my legs to see the lack of holes that almost all other Changelings have.

  There are twelve species that are not black or a shade of gray.

  Once again, that includes me. I studied my white exoskeleton as I took a break from writing.

  "Ambrosia!" Came a voice from the hallway leading out of the library. I lifted my head as my best friend, Nectar, rushed into the room. She gasped for breath then said in a rush, "We're under attack!"

  My eyes widened as I jumped to my hooves, grabbed the book I'd been writing in, and ran out of the library to the throne room. Every Honey Changeling's first priority is to defend our Queen. As I ran into the throne room, I realized we were to late. I slid to a stop as we entered the room when I saw the Queen. She was laying across her throne as if she was very injured but I didn't see any physical injury on her body.

  "Well, well. Two more pests for me to deal with." Came a double-voice from behind the throne. Then, a massive Parasite Changeling stepped into view. He had a black exoskeleton while his mane was a bluish-green color. He had holes in his mane, legs, and even wings. He grinned revealing his fangs that gleamed with honey. Of course, they always want the honey... "Get them." He snarled to seemingly nobody. Of course I was wrong about the nobody part and more Parasite Changelings appeared from seemingly no where. They hissed and bared their fangs at me and Nectar as they approached us.

  "What do we do?" Nectar whispered to me.

  "Maybe run?" I suggested.

  "Probably a bad idea. We aren't allowed to fly in the castle and they probably don't follow that rule so they'd catch us."

  "I'm pretty sure we can ignore that rule since the queen isn't doing to well."

  "What are you doing?!" The Parasite Changeling in charge hissed. "Kill them already!"

  The Parasite Changeling soldiers attacked.

  Of course, we ran.


  I beat my insect-like wings as fast as possible and they buzzed loudly as I zoomed past trees and lakes. I had cuts and gashes all over my body that I knew were going to scar. I winced every time a branch scratched me. I was almost free. I just had to hide. I flew around corners, dropped down under the canopy, and suddenly flew back out again. All to try to lose my pursuers. The sound of buzzing had grown distant a long time ago but I was still worried they'd catch me.

  Hopefully they didn't... they'd probably kill me... and I had to much knowledge in my brain to die. I beat my wings faster as I saw a cave for me to hide in. I slowed down as I approached it and landed gently right outside of it. I looked back towards the kingdom, my kingdom... which was now in flames. I felt my ears and wings droop as I got to see what these evil Changelings were doing to my home. I'd lived there since I hatched and now it was just... gone...

  I wanted to just curl up in a corner and cry, but I knew I couldn't do that. I looked down at the book I still had in my hooves. I had to finish it, and probably write about what has happened to my home. Maybe someone will find either the information or my life changing event interesting... Probably not though. The only people I'd ever known were all gone. Nobody knew my name and nobody would ask.

  I sighed as I opened the book and read the first page. I was so enthusiastic and young then... 'An Introduction to Ambrosia: I am Ambrosia, a Honey Changeling Scholar. Today I met a Love Changeling named Cupid and decided to write a book dedicated to the different species of Changelings. With every new species I discover, I shall provide a picture and a detailed description on their appearance and life style. Hopefully this will be helpful to anyone who reads this... anyways, down to business!'

  I closed the book and looked around. I needed something to carry it in... I flew around for a little bit gathering some supplies that I could make a satchel with. I tied some vines and sticks together, then set the book inside and I continued strengthening it until I had a very bad, weak satchel. It would do for now. I just needed my hooves and magic free. I took one last look at the flaming kingdom before spreading my wings and launching myself into the air, soaring northeast.

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