FA- November, Defeating The Habit by @TFmelissa

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Mr. Dorian's voice bounced off the walls like a ball thrown too hard, drowning out everything else.

"Here," a quieter voice called out in response.


Oh for the love of God... the girl in question thought before repeating herself a little louder, throwing up a pale hand as the teacher's eyes drifted up from his clipboard.

Having been the last to leave the changing rooms, Louise had quickly slipped into the end of the line. Now as her teacher quickly scanned through the roll of names he held, she strained to see down the line of P.E students, searching for a familiar hoodie-clad boy. After a few searches of the row however, Louise's shoulders drooped.

He wasn't there.


"Alright, today's the first dry Wednesday we've seen in a while," Mr. Dorian spoke up, "so the two-mile run it is."

With this, a multitude of groans, cringes and pointless exasperations rose from the line, not one fazing their teacher. Had Louise not known better, she'd've sworn he was actually grinning.

"Yes, yes, I'm a horrible person," he said. "Now, you all know the drill. Two laps around the all-weather pitch, up the hill for a lap around the tennis courts and back down to the pitch again. Twice. Off you go."

With some dragging their heels, the class exited the sports hall through a side door and proceeded down to the starting point. Louise followed suit until she passed Mr. Dorian, to which he took the chance to speak again, slowing her to a standstill.

"No Warren today either, hm?"

"I guess not," Louise answered with a slight sigh and sheepish shrug.

"I hope he knows this can't keep happening. Missing three classes in a row is really pushing it."

"He has his reasons, sir."

To this Mr. Dorian gave a slight nod.

"Well...I know that too. I suppose some things just can't be helped."

"Yes they can," Louise said, despite the anxious heat flooding her cheeks. "Some things just need more time."

"You're right there. It's something we should all remember," he answered. "Now, speaking of yourself, I know it's fairly bright out there today, but do your best."

"Will do." She nodded with a smile before exiting the hall.

This faltered after a moment however as the morning light forced her grey eyes to squinted slits. It really was bright.

Starting into a slight jog, she made her way down to the all-weather pitch where some students had yet to start, likely still grumbling about the task ahead. After one girl noticed Mr. Dorian stepping outside, she quickly nudged another and their idle chatter died down for a moment as their little group reluctantly set off.

Once she set foot on the AstroTurf, Louise subconsciously increased her pace, but her thoughts were elsewhere.

She knew Warren had his reasons, but that didn't make his absence any less disappointing. He'd promised to show up this time after all. But now, Louise wished he hadn't done so at all. She already knew it was something else he'd be beating himself up over. He was doing enough of that as it was.

Warren had been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder a few months ago.

It had begun innocently enough, subtly, out of sight and mind. But it gradually grew into something more than a simple habit, eventually becoming an endless cycle. By then, Warren couldn't stop, no matter how much he wanted to, how much he unfairly hated himself for continuing. It wasn't until he'd broken down outright in the early hours of the morning that his father had sought help his son had denied needing.

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