Chapter 15: Crêpe

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Lucy's POV

"Why don't the both of you go finish whatever you were doing inside one of the hotel rooms?" Someone said. I yawned and woke up to find Levy and Cana giggling and whispering between them. I followed their gaze, and soon realized that they were looking over at Gray Jellal.

Jellal had his thigh over Gray and his arms wrapped around his neck. I soon realized that I beside Natsu, who was snoring at a deafening volume.

"You can go back to sleep, sorry Lucy!" Levy whispered. "It's midnight, and we're near, only about fifteen minutes left. Everyone else is still sleeping."

"Yeah even your boyfriend, Natsu." Cana teased, causing Levy to begin erupting in laughter, while covering her mouth to prevent everyone else from waking up.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I protested, and began feeling uncomfortable at the thought. That would be so weird, and my brain began creating scenarios of how we would look like as a couple. I shivered at my foolishness.

"You're basically a couple though. Just look at him!" Cana argued, a smirk forming on her face as she pointed at Natsu.

My eyes trailed down his arm and realized that he had it was wrapped around my waist. I hadn't even noticed that his head was on my neck. I shrieked and quickly pushed him onto the side, causing his head to hit the pane of the glass window.

"WHO WOKE ME UP!?" He instantly woke up and yelled. "I'M FIGHTING WHOEVER DID THAT."

"I-I did." I truthfully admitted.

"Oh." He answered, with a surprised tone. "You did?"

"Isn't that what she just said?" Levy angrily answered.

"Well I won't fight you right now, because ... I'm too tired..." He trailed off, scratching his neck.

"Sure." Cana stretched the word out as she winked in his direction.

He frowned, "But you have to make it up to me!"

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning, you have to come with me to a manga shop!"

"Why?" I asked, but grinned at the idea. Levy had already told me all about the shops that were lined up in the streets. I heard that there were a bunch of Japanese desserts too, and I couldn't wait to try them out.

"Have fun on your date Lucy!" Levy and Cana laughed as they walked away back to their original bus seats.

I turned to face Natsu who pulled his scarf over his face in embarrassment. "I-It's not a date, so don't get any ideas." He mumbled.

"I won't, trust-

"JELLAL WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? Are you gay or what?" Gray screeched in horror. Natsu and I whipped our heads around so fast that it made a crunching sound, to find Jellal kicked out of his seat, and onto the cold, hard ground.

An evil smirk formed on his lips and his eyes almost seemed cat-like, "Yes Gray! For you I am!" He jokingly laughed.

Juvia appeared at the scene in a flash, "YOU LIKE GRAY?!" Both Natsu and I choked on air at Gray's reaction who blushed and covered his cheeks with his long sleeves.

"N-no I was just ki-,"

"Jellal are you cheating on me?!" Erza also joined, with a fake pout on her face.

"Forget everything I said." Jellal mumbled and slowly crawled into a fetal position on the floor.


The next morning everyone was woken up to the sound of the door being violently kicked, I was somehow able to sleep through it. Cana had to wake me up.

"LUCY! Get up! Hurry!" Natsu yelled

"I'm up." I shouted back.

"Let's go! Remember? We have to go to the shops!" He lowered his voice on the last parts trying to stay quiet, making everyone else swoon over what he had said.

"Hurry Lucy! If you go right now, he might kiss you on your first date." Juvia laughed, which in return caused me to cringe.

It took me a couple minutes to get fixed and I finally hurried out the door with a protein bar in my hand. The first thing Natsu did was smack it out of my hand, so I obviously yelled at him.


"I'll take you out to eat breakfast. Yeah? They have some crêpes, and I've never had one from here before." 

I pulled his hand and we both ran out together, though at one point we let go and raced towards the entrance.

It later turned out that we weren't allowed to go eat out without a teacher, but Natsu bought our way out of it.   


My laptop finally got fixed! Now I'll probably be able to update more often.

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