Chapter 14: School Trip

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The next day at school the mood was lively and jolly with the staff preparing for later. They were getting ready to tell the students about an unexpected trip they were going to have.

All of the students lined up in the auditorium, and patiently waited for the teachers. It wasn’t crowded inside like a typical high school would be because it was a private school.

The principal walked on stage getting ready to stand on the stool to speak to his students. He coughed into the microphone a couple times and tested the volume of the mic, by repeating “Testing. Testing. 1 - 2 - 3.”

Lucy and her friends were in the back row, struggling to see the front because Natsu, Gray, and Jellal were blocking their view. Lucy huffed, stood up, grabbed Natsu and Gray’s head by either side and with great force pushed them out of her way, which created a clear path to the front.



“As you all know, we don’t have many field trips that require us to go far away. So, we’ve decided that all the upperclassmen, the seniors, we’re all going to go to Akane!”

“The hotel is shaped like a castle, the beach is close by AND there’s an amusement park!” Mirajane cheered along with everyone else in the wide room.

Makarov smirked, “There’s also a casino there, but none of you small brats are allowed to go in,” He stuck his tongue out and happily danced, “But the teachers and I can!”

“Make us a fake ID Natsu.” Jellal whispered.

“I’m on it buddy.” They exchanged fist bumps.

“He is slaying the stage up there!” Cana nodded her head referring to Makarov’s dabs.

“He’s embarrassing himself, that’s what he’s doing.” Lucy laughed at their excitement.

“You’re all allowed to be in a group of 5-6.” Makarov added.

The teachers kept talking about all the rules and regulations and all th3 things they would need.

The next days were spent with Lucy and her friends discussing about the hyped up event that was soon going to come. She wasn’t too worried about it since it was only going to be a week and she had talked to her doctors about, they just told her to be careful and take her pills every night.

“DUDE I CAN BRING A BOTTLE, AND WE CAN PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE WITH EVERYONE ELSE!” Cana whisper shouted after school as they were walking out. She didn’t want other people copying her idea.

“YAS! I’M GOING TO INVITE GRAY TO PLAY!” Juvia enthusiastically grinned and threw her fist in the air, preparing for what was about to go down.

“I’ll just watch from a corner.” Lucy grinned.

“No! You’re playing too!” Erza hissed.

“I can’t wait to go to the beach!” Levy clapped her hands, already imagining the perfect tan she would soon be getting. She was very pale and had always wished for a light tan on her skin. “There’s also a Japanese street there and I HAVE to go buy stuff from there.”

“I’m packing food, that’s what I’m taking.” Erza blurted out loud.

1  w e e k  l a t e r

Lucy kissed the top of Happy’s forehead before giving him the final hug, “I’ll see you next Monday!”

All the seniors were packing inside the large dark bus. The teachers began counting off the students, making sure that everyone was on it, all of them were except for Lucy who was running late.

Cana began getting nervous for her friend and decided to spam her phone with messages, “BRUH HURRY UP! WE’RE ALREADY ON THE BUS!”

Lucy sprinted towards the parking lot, shouting “I’m coming!” All while she dragged her pastel orange suitcase on the pavement. She finally arrived, the last one, and had difficulty choosing a seat on the bus. All of her friends were already sitting next to each other and there weren’t any open seats left. She was about to have a panic attack, but Natsu removed his feet from the seat he was laying on and tapped on the spot next to him.

“Come on Lucy!” He smiled showing off his white teeth.

A few minutes passed and they began moving, off towards fun.

“I’m warning you, if I get car sick I’ll throw up everywhere.”

“Just sleep and you won’t even feel it.”

“I can’t sleep, it feels weird knowing that everyone might be looking at me. Or like what if I snore?!”

“I’ll wake you up if you do anything weird.”

“No you won’t.”

“I promise.” He grabbed her hand and forced their pinkies to intertwine together.


In an instant, Lucy was knocked out and peacefully sleeping. Natsu was next to the window, the best spot, so there wasn’t a place for her to rest her head on. Her head slowly rolled over onto Natsu’s shoulder and onto his chest.

“L-Lucy?” Natsu whispered thinking that she was awake and doing it on purpose.

She wasn’t and he took his time to realize that her chest was slowly rising and leveling, meaning that she actually was sleeping.

Should I wake her up? Natsu thought to himself. His green eyes scanned the bus and he found everyone to be asleep and snoring including Gray and Jellal. They were in the same position as Natsu and Lucy, with Jellal drooling on Gray’s gray shirt.

Natsu had been so focused on the view of everything that had passed by, that he hadn't even noticed the time that flew.

Natsu quickly clicked his phone on and realized that it was close to being 10pm, meaning that they had been on the bus for a few hours already.

He didn’t have a bedtime and felt proud to be one of the only ones awake. ‘Sleep is for the weak!’ he kept repeating to himself.

But, he soon felt tired as well. He thought that he had no choice, so he might as well hug Lucy. He didn't want to risk and get yelled by her, so why not?

And all the way to Akane, Lucy and Natsu slept side by side with Lucy in his arms.

At one point, she awoke to find herself in Natsu's arm, so she smiled and went back to sleep. What she didn't know, was that he was smiling too.

Akane is an actual location in Fiore. They all went to it, in one of the OVAS :)

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