Chapter 7

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"Sweetheart," Harry ran his fingers through Niall's soft hair. They were at home, now- finally. Niall had fallen asleep on the way, exhausted from his own panic attack and sobs. Harry pressed a kiss to his temple, stroking his hair gently. "Niall, baby, wake up."

Niall let out a tiny little huff, one he always made when he didn't want to wake up. Harry considered trying to wake him up with words again, but he just got out of the car and walked over to Niall's side, picking him up out of the car.

"Harry," Niall murmured. He sniffled in his sleep and frowned. Harry looked down worriedly. Niall always, always frowned when he had a nightmare. Harry half-wondered if Niall was having one now. Usually he would start to squirm and cry after a minute. Harry hope that didn't happen, at least not until Harry got Niall in bed.

Harry was quick to unlock and open the door, taking a few moments to find the keyhole. He opened the door and closed it in a rush, forgetting to lock it, as he wanted to get Niall upstairs before he started thrashing around, just in case he was having a nightmare.

He got Niall upstairs in no time. He lay Niall down on the bed and pulled of Niall's shoes, careful not to jostle Niall too much and disturb his sleep. He grabbed some sweatpants and undressed Niall down to his boxers, pulling the sweatpants over Niall's legs.

"I love you." Harry whispered, pressing a little kiss to Niall's forehead. He pulled the blankets over Niall's body, tucking him soft and snug into bed. Harry wanted to go to bed, too- he felt tired, but he didn't. He had a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that something was wrong, he forgot something important.

Harry went downstairs to make a cup of tea. Leaving Niall alone after a half-hour panic attack and a potential nightmare forming as Niall slept probably wasn't the bed idea, but Harry was only going to be downstairs for two minutes, tops. He hoped Niall didn't wake up in those two minutes and freak out, seeing as Harry wasn't in the same dark room as he was.

As Harry was heating up the water for his tea, he remembered he'd forgotten to lock the door. He went over to the door of his house and opened the first, big door to lock the screen door. He glanced outside, out at the dark, dark world, then he shut the main door and locked that one, too.


Niall was laying alone. Bloody, bruised, broken. He felt hands- hands were all over him, but they weren't actually there. He felt the horrible pain in his lower back and bum, and he couldn't breathe. His nose was clogged with blood, because he couldn't roll over on his stomach to let it pour out.

Niall was crying. He was alone, he had blood all over his face and body, and he was crying. He wanted Harry. Harry, Harry, Harry. All he wanted was to be in Harry's arms, all he wanted was to kiss Harry, to hug him, to see him again.

Niall hasn't seen Harry in months. Months, months, months, because he gave himself up to get Lux back to Lou and Josh back to the band. He gave himself to Greg so Lux and Josh could be free from his horrible, dangerous hands.

Niall had given himself to Greg. And there was no escaping this time.


Niall woke up quickly, his heart beating. His whole body was covered in a cold sweat. Almost immediately after he sat up, Harry walked into the bedroom and flicked on a lamp, a cup of hot tea cradled in his hands.

"Niall?" Harry said gently, putting his tea down on the nightstand. He climbed onto the bed and placed a hand on Niall's shoulder. "Niall, are you alright?"

"I'm better now, yeah." Niall swallowed the lump in his throat. He leaned forward and did what he wanted to do in his sleep- kissed Harry softly, gently, and wrapped his husband in a tight, tight hug.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Harry asked. Niall simply nodded, hoping Harry wouldn't ask him what had gone through his mind. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to wake you up, sweetie, I was making a cup of tea. Are you sure you're okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine." Niall said. He didn't want Harry to wake him up, he was glad Harry didn't wake him up. The dream sparked an idea in his mind: he'd given himself up so Lux and Josh would be safe. If he could get to Greg somehow, contact him somehow, he would be able to do just that. Lux would be safe and Lou would be happy. Josh would be free.

"Okay." Harry said, nodding. He ran his hand over Niall's shoulder and continued to do so as he reached over to grab his cup of tea, handing it to Niall to calm him down slightly. "As long as you're okay."


Niall couldn't focus. They were supposed to be practicing for their last concert, and he couldn't concentrate at all. He was trying to figure out how he would be able to contact Greg, how he would be able to tell Greg that he would give himself up if the older man promised to give Lux and Josh back.

"Niall? Niall? Niall!" Niall felt a hand grab his arm and jerk him back. He saw the edge of the stage right in front of him and Zayn next to him, his hand gripping Niall's arm tightly. "You almost fell off the stage! Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Niall lied, running a stressed hand through his hair. This was crazy, thinking he should just give in to Greg. But how else were they going to get Lux back? How else would she be rescued?

"Let's practice tomorrow. We all need some sleep." Harry announced, walking over to retrieve his boyfriend from Zayn. He wrapped his hand around Niall's and pulled him off the stage, his grip a little too tight for Niall's comfort.

"What's wrong with you?" Harry actually seemed angry as he let go of Niall's hand and turned around swiftly. "Niall, for the past three days you've been so distant. I try to ask you what's wrong and you never, ever tell me. I know you're scared, but I am right here. I will protect you, Niall, I fucking promise. Something is on your mind, and you're not telling me what it is."

"I just-" Niall paused for a moment, glancing down at his feet. "I just feel really, really guilty, Harry. It's all my fault that she's gone. It's all my fault that Josh is gone. Josh and Lux and I just-"

Niall broke down in tears, real, terrified tears. Harry went to pull him into a hug but Niall sank to his knees, burying his face in his hands. Harry sank to his knees too, and then he wrapped Niall in a hug.

"Baby, don't worry, okay? It is not your fault, it never was your fault, and it will never be your fault. It's okay, I promise. It's okay." Harry said. He kissed Niall's cheek, taking tears off of Niall's cheeks with him. Niall didn't say anything after that, keeping his face buried in Harry's shoulder and his hands in fists around Harry's shirt.

"I love you." Niall whispered eventually. His lips said I love you, but his mind was still wondering how the hell he was going to contact Greg. As crazy as it was, he needed to do this. He needed to put himself in the hands of danger to save two people who meant a lot to him. He had to. This was his fault, anyhow.

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