Chapter 4: Sunday Morning

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Sunday Morning

The smell of sausage, eggs, bacon, and toast filled the whole room. The smell was so strong it woke me out of my sleep. I looked around the room with my eyes to see if I could find Nate. I didn’t see him nowhere around.  I squirm around in bed waking up my body and stretching out my legs.

“Good morning my beautiful angel.” I heard Nate says.

I sat up in bed and rub my eyes trying to clear my eyes from all the blurriness.

“Hey…” I said in a soft voice.

He had a side tray with him I could see the steam coming up from the hot plate. Mmm it smelled so good.

“This is for you my dear.” Nate says placing the side tray on my lap.

“Awww for me?”

“Of course why not?” He says smiling at me.

“I never had this before.”

“Really? Well now you do.”

I crack a smile. Wow breakfast in bed how good can this get?

“You’re so sweet Nate. Thank you.”

“No problem sweetheart.” He leans in and kisses my forehead.

“So were still going to my job right?” I said cutting the eggs with the knife and picking it up with my fork and putting it in my mouth.

“Yeah. You need to tell them that you found a new job.”

“I am going to be specific about it. I’m not just going to say ‘Oh I found a new job so I’m leaving goodbye.’ “

He started cracking up but I was being very serious. I will not just walk up in there and say ‘oh I found a new job so I’m out of here?’ Who will do that? Haha.

“Make sure you be ready baby.”

“Okay.” I said taking a bite of my toast.

Nate leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. I need go find something to wear. I put side tray on the bed. I got up and walked towards the closet to see if I can find anything to wear, nothing in here for me. I heard the door open, I looked and it was Nate again.

“Looking for something to wear?”

“Yes.” I said looking at him…

“Come and follow me.”

I walked over where he was and started to follow him.

“Where are we going?”

“I have my own clothing line for ladies and I have a special room where I keep my clothing line at.”

Wow a clothing line, how can this guy get any greedier? Lol

“Clothing line?”


“What’s your clothing line called?”

“Citi Lights”

“Citi Lights?”


“Seems corny.”

“Hahah, whatever.”

I laughed. We made it to the door, and he opens it up and oh my goodness did he have a lot of clothes and other merchandise in here.

“Wow Nate, you’re doing it big.”

“Right on baby. Now pick out what you want.”

I looked around to see which outfit I would like to wear today.  I spot this one long sleeve black and grey that says ‘Girl on Fire’ and these nice tore up black jeans and black stud boots. Accessories I spot these stud black and gold hat, black bracelet, black and silver earrings. Handbag, I spot this cute nice black and gold purse.

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