Chapter 40 A Patch of Blue Sky in a Storm

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has read this, thank you with all my heart!

This is it! The final chapter! Enjoy :)

Chapter 40 A Patch of Blue Sky in a Storm

The days flew by faster than I could have ever imagined. We all spent our time helping clean up Hogwarts, which, McGonagall told us, would be opened the next year because of all the help. I had also been to visit Teddy with Harry a few times. Teddy was now living with his grandmother, which calmed Harry down a bit since he had been worrying about having to raise him.

Teddy was completely adorable. He was a perfect mixture of his mother and father. He had his Tonks’s Metamorphmagus abilities, her love for bright hair, and happy aura. His natural hair colour was light brown – although it was usually turquoise blue – that he inherited from Remus. Despite his young age, he was a very happy baby and Harry was absolutely besotted by him. I knew he would go to any lengths to make sure Teddy would live a better life than Harry did even though they were in similar situations, being orphans so young.

After a week since the Battle of Hogwarts, McGonagall had insisted Harry leave and relax after all the hard work he had done with helping to clear out Hogwarts. He had chosen to go to the place he had always found himself the happiest – at the Burrow. We found ourselves here on a particularly sunny day, relaxing underneath an old oak tree while the rest of the family were inside, giving us some space to be alone.

“I just can’t believe it,” Harry said as I laid my head in the crook of his shoulder. “I can’t believe that, after all these years of trying escape from him and avoiding death, he’s actually gone.”

“It’s hard for us all to believe,” I mumbled, savouring the feeling of no responsibility and danger. It was a beautiful feeling beyond anything I’d ever felt before… except, perhaps, love.

 “I hope the Aurors got all the Death Eaters…” Harry said trailing off at the end. I lightly slapped his shoulder.

“Now, now, Mr Potter, you stop worrying about things that you don’t need to worry about!” I joked, but then turned serious. “Really, Harry, don’t think about it. Now is your time to relax and enjoy yourself a bit.” Harry nodded and tilted his head backwards so that it was propped up on the tree trunk.

“I’ve missed this,” Harry whispered, pulling me onto his chest. I listened to the steady thumping of his heartbeat. “I’ve missed you, Gin. And I will never leave you again, I promise. I- I love you.”

“Really?” I asked, the corners of my mouth turning up in a smile.

Harry nodded. “Always.” That single word coming out of his mouth felt like something more than just a word. I didn’t know what it was, but it seemed to mean a lot to Harry as well. That word summed something up for him… I just didn’t know what it was.

 “I love you too,” I said steadily. I hoped he could tell how sincere that was, because I had never felt more honest in all my life.

With the deaths of our friends and family still lurking beneath the surface, it was wonderful to have something to distract me. And Harry was the perfect distraction. He was my little patch of blue sky in a storm. Always there to break up the anger and sadness and bring some happiness and light back into my life.

Something important I learned from the Battle was that nothing is permanent. Your whole world could be thrown around by some slight accident. Keeping this in mind, I knew I would never take anything for granted again. I inhaled Harry’s musky scent, realising that if it were just for a slight change, he might not have been here with me. I pushed those thoughts out of my head, knowing they’d just bring me down. Harry survived, that was all that mattered.

Harry’s eyes shut, leaving me staring at his pearly eyelids and slight smile on his mouth. He looked so much younger than he had in years and I couldn’t have been more thankful that he could finally stop worrying. That was really all I could ask for.

The air smelled of freedom and the birds chirping high in the trees reminded me that I could now appreciate the small things in life. It really was bliss.

For the moment, all was well.

It's over! I can't believe it! Right now I feel like crying like a baby :'(

I can't thank you all enough for reading and supporting my story! I've been overwhelmed with all the support I've received! I really do get the best feeling reading through all your comments. You've all made my smile!

This is dedicated to you for reading this. I love you all so much! From the silent readers to the regular commenters, you've all made me sooo happy!

Now, I'm not very happy with how this last chapter turned out, so I might re-write it after a while, but I felt like I needed to finish now.

As for the sequel, it will be called Lily Luna's Story, and it might be up very soon! I hope you continue to read that and enjoy it as you've done so with Ginny's Story.

Thanking you for the last time on Ginny's Story!


Damn, here come the tears!!!!

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