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Ok so Angel said Ivy and Mark are dating, this is not happening.

I went to Ivy's instagram and totally saw no picture with the two of them in it.

Maybe its just a certain talk.

I walked down the hallways and bumped into Carlos.

"Oh hey G! Have you seen Angel?"

"Um..yeah she is in the library."
He smiled and thanked me before he turned to the corner.

"Wow they seem to be liking each other now! New OTP!"

I laughed after that and headed outside.

Mark should be driving me home.

I looked around and did not see his car.

Rain poured down from the heavens wetting my clothes.

*Great, perfect timing!*

I ran as fast as I can to our home and arrived their so so so wet.

Lucas jolted from his seat grabbed a towel and placed it around my shoulders.

"Why were you running? Dont you have an umbrella?"

"Left it..." I said looking in his eyes.

"I thought Mark is supposed to drive you home?" He eyed me suspiciously.


I went upstairs and took a shower.

After the shower I laid on my bed and looked at my phone.

I dialed Mark's number and it answered.

"Hey G! Sorry I am very busy today. Ill see you tom."

I ended the phone call and stared at my phone.

Emil came in and saw me stare at my phone.

"Ahem, Georgette mom and dad wants us downstairs."

"K!" I replied and went down with him.

I saw my 2 brothers seated and mom talking in her Iphone.

"Georgette? Grandfather wants to talk to you. Speak in our language."

Grandfather Marco?

I nodded and took the phone.

"Ciao nonno!"
(Hello grandfather!)

"Ciao anche a te nipote. Come stai?"
(Hello to you too grandaughter. How are you?)

"Im bene grazie per avermelo chiesto, che cosa vuoi parlare di nonno?"
(Im fine thank you for asking, what do you want to talk about grandfather?)

"Stavo pensando vorresti studiare qui in Italia?"
(I was thinking would you like to study here in Italy?)

My brother's eyes widened including my mother and father.

"Italia? Solo io? Studiare lì?"
(Italy? Only me? Studying there?)

My grandfather chuckled.

"I tuoi fratelli potranno anche studiare qui. È che va bene per te?"
(Your brothers will also study here. Is that alright for you?)

I looked at my family. Matt mouthed some words I understood.

"Io penserò nonno!"
(I will think about it grandfather)

"I will give you six months to think about it. Also let your brothers decide." His Italian accent rang clearly.

"Arrivederci! Georgette!"

"Friendship Promises" (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now