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A/N: Text that is underlined is a quote from the comics....A few minutes earlier....

"Erik, Wait! You don't have t-" Moira says as she wrenches the car door open and slides out of her seat.

I stand before the huge iron gate looming before me. This could almost be another time or place.... A large crest swirls across the centre and I concentrate on it so that the once elegant emblem crumples into a grotesque wad. I ignore Moira and lift my hands into the air. Moira gasps as I separate the secure gate into sharp rods, poised to impale an opponent. I allow them to fall to the ground with a clatter, the orb of metal in my pocket will be sufficient for any violence.

"Where is the wretch?" I ask while approaching the huge, palatial home before us. This is the destination that Moira directed us to. She had told me that this man was someone she used to work with. She really believes that she can turn him to repentance...but I do not trust in her abilities...I will get answers. We are coming Charles, hold on....

Moira balls her fists in frustration. I suspect it angers her that she can do nothing to stop me or bend me to her will. The only one capable of that is Charles and luckily at this moment he has no opinion in the matter at hand... The pearl white door that is perched at the top of the stairs leading to the porch opens and a man dashes down into the courtyard. He curses loudly and waves his hands in the air, trying to make sense of the scene before him.

"WHAT IN THE BLAZES? Who are you?" He yells while looking at me.

His gaze shifts to the figure behind me and his eyebrows curl in confusion. Recognition and worry cross his thick face as he realizes the identity of the woman.

"Moira? What on earth are you doing with this man? Has he hurt you?" He asks while staying a good distance away.

Moira crosses in front of me, "I tried to tell you, I can reason with this man. Don't you lift a finger."

I curse under my breath in German and give her a sturdy glare. "You have three minutes to get him to talk. If you are incapable of retrieving the information by that time, I will no longer only observe."

Perhaps she can get him to speak, but I doubt it will work...

Moira dashes over to the portly man and begins to speak to him in hushed tones. Her hands move up and down in flustered motions as she tries to convey the desperation of situation to him. No doubt, she is informing him of my identity and how I am willing to sHe no longer focuses on her and instead his eyes rest on me. They widen in fear and horror. He has every reason to be afraid... I allow Moira an extra minute, hoping that her flurried words will convince the man to speak, but he only seems to grow more indignant. He is loyal to Stryker...I begin a slow approach stretching my fingers for the moments to come.

I'm sorry Charles...though you do not approve of my methods you will understand what is at stake.... Moira looks over her shoulder and sees the distance between us shortening. She stops her quick discussion and speaks in a clear and calm tone.

"He will kill you," she says sincerely. "In fact, I believe it would give him pleasure to do so. Your death will mean nothing to him. The only thing you will be dying for is your pride."

The man gives one last furtive glance to Moira before turning to me, his eyes cold and tinged with hatred. Defiance...I will break every single bit of resistance that he can muster... He shudders as I analyze him with my eyes. What do we have here?...Metal....He has metal in his body... I toss my humanity behind me and focus on the matter at hand. I slip into a state of anger and calculated rage. Rage and serenity... A deep breath sets me at peace for the dark task at hand.

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