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Target on my back
Lone survivor lasts
They got me in their sights
No surrender no
Trigger fingers go
Living the dangerous life
-"Feel Invincible" by Skillet
(I feel like it really fits this chapter! Plus I was writing part of it while listening to it!)

Can it take any longer? How difficult is it to make coffee?

I stand by the counter and glare at the barista in an attempt to get her to hurry. Perhaps she will take the hint that it is not acceptable to make customers wait... She pays me no mind and continues to slowly prepare the beverages I ordered. Finally...it better be worth the wait... She hands me the coffees with a smile and then returns to her work. I turn around and walk towards the table where I left Charles.

Who on earth is that?

There is a woman sitting in my seat across from Charles. In my seat... I quickly hurry over the table because I do not know what her intentions are towards Charles. Never underestimate a woman... When I reach them, both she and Charles look at me as if I was interrupting something. I see a trace of fear streak across her brown eyes as I place Charles' coffee in front of him. I suppose I have that effect on people...I closely inspect the woman and try to find any sign that would help me identify her. Charles must notice my careful analysis of his companion because he awkwardly coughs to draw my attention back to himself. She's pretty enough...the real question is who is she and what does she want?

"Who are you?" I ask with as blunt and indifferent a tone I can muster.

Charles watches her face for a response and then fumbles to find words to introduce her.

"Oh, this is-"

"Moira MacTaggert." The woman cuts Charles off and introduces herself.

Moira MacTaggert...Charles never mentioned her before....

I try to converse with Charles with my eyes. I give him a sharp glare in the hopes that he will tell the woman to leave. He looks at me with obvious confusion and seems to be utterly unaware of my signal.

"Charles, we need to talk."

"Then talk."

"I don't think it is fitting for her to overhear our conversation."

"Excuse m-"

Before the brunette can utter another word Charles has already come to her defense.

"Anything you want to say to me, you can say in front of her."

Anything...ANYTHING? If that is the way you feel than allow me to explore this concept...There is nothing that you would prefer remain withheld from this woman?

"Is that so? Shall we publicly discuss your state before I retrieved you from your mansion? Would you like her to know exactly how you were dru-"

As I speak I nonchalantly pull a chair from a nearby table and take my seat between Moira and Charles.

"Erik! Wait-" Charles transitioned from verbal to mental, "Relax Erik, you can trust her."

My trust is not easily earned...I require more than just word of mouth... I decide to gain some more information from Charles.

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