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"Erik? Um, ERIK?!" My voice rises in volume with the level of my fear. My eyes widen as I see the beast of a man grow larger as his distance from me is shortened. "Erik! Erik help!" There is still no sign of my friend, and I hear the devastating sounds of the crushing of metal and the thudding of attacks in the distance.

As the man barrels closer I observe how his teeth are like fangs, his nails are similar to the claws of an animal, and he runs on all fours. His hair is wild, and is picked up in all directions by the wind. I panic to get the window closed, and roll it up. Come on, come on, stupid window, they need to make automatic ones... When he is only ten steps away, I go to my last resort. I put my first two fingers to my temple and stare the animal-like man down. I emit the forces and thoughts necessary to freeze him. His motions slow, and five steps from me he comes to a stop. The look of surprise is frozen on his face as I see him struggle to move. It feels as though his mind is wiggling from my pressure, trying to escape.

"Erik! Erik come quick! I can't hold him!" Like a door bursting off its hinges, his mind creaks under my control and he moves almost imperceptibly. "Erik! I can't hold him much longer! Erik!" The man bursts free of my mental hold, and I continue crying for Erik as he runs forward. "Erik-"

Just inches from my window I see the crazy man taken down. He convulses on the ground, and I can't find a reason why. Erik comes into vision with his hand outstretched. His face displays the rawest rage I had seen lately.

"Erik! Don't kill him!" I mentally scream at him with my fingers at my temple. He looks startled, and seems to recollect his bearings. He stops whatever he is doing, and I see a couple small orbs float out of the attacker's nostrils and into Erik's coat pocket.

I struggle to catch my breath as I am filled with sudden relief. Erik comes over and leans down, to look at me through the window.

"Are you alright, old friend?" His voice carries over through the glass, just a tone quieter. I nod in response. When I am breathing normally again, I roll down the window.

"What was-" Erik is gone as I talk, and I have no idea no idea where he leaves to. I do not see him again for five minutes, which leaves me alone with my thoughts. That was dangerous. If my powers were up to standards, I could have saved those men their-

Wait... I still feel their presence. Those men aren't dead. I continue to search. Even that one who tried to get me! Erik put something in his brain and pulled it out through his nostrils, and he is still alive!

Erik returns and sits in the driver's seat. He puts the car in drive and returns to the road without speaking. I glance in the rearview to see three men, dangling from a tree. I am unable to speak for about ten minutes. Suddenly we are lifted up off the ground, and Erik turns the car off.

"Why are we flying?"

"I don't feel like driving." I turn to look at him, and notice he has a graze on the right side of his neck.

"You're hurt!"

"You're useless."

"Let me-"

"No." I don't bother replying. I know I will get through to him eventually, and I try to stay quiet during that time. Unfortunately, my curiosity gets the better of me.

"What was that?" I ask hotly.

"Just a little run in with some acquaintances of mine."

"I know you didn't kill them Erik. That's very uncharacteristic of you," I wait for him to respond, but he doesn't, "thank you. Maybe I am finally getting through to you after all."

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