Chapter 6: Fly Away

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A/N: Nest chapter will be the EPILOGUE.

Normal POV

"Beautiful aren't they?..just like you Luce...." Natsu looked at the roses. He then handed it to his love. Lucy fell asleep after the afternoon's event. Natsu moved a little closer to her and leaned his head. "Nashe really wants to see you. She'll see you soon. I think it' time for her to know the truth....."he whispered right into her ear.


4:00 PM @ Acalypa.....

Nashi dashed out of the car as she arrived at Acalypa. She asked the towns people of the said address she saw. Nashi was desperate to know. This was a major sign. This maybe where her mom is living at the moment.
"excuse me, but do you happen to know this address called LOVE AND LUCY?"
"No..I don't think so.." says woman. Then she asked the next.
"I haven't heard of that address before.." Nashi bowed then left to ask another person. She has been going around town asking for the address but to no avail. Nashi has no idea that the sun is setting soon. The time is 5:00 PM and she has a long drive to home.

Nashi sat on a bench in the park. She sighed knowing that her discovery may be another false hope. "does anyone not know where Love and Lucky is?" she asked herself. Nashi stared at the sky. It's starting to turn orange. "I don't even think that this is an address at all." She sighed. What a waste of time. Life makes you expect big things but only dropped when it never happens. A single dear slid down Nashi's eye.

"excuse me , but why are you crying?" asked a very beautiful young lady. She looked like a porcelain doll.
"huh?'s nothing."
"it doesn't sound like nothing if a girl cries. What's wrong?" Nashi don't know this woman but she feel as though she could help her.
" you happen to know where this Love and Lucy address'am?"
"Love and Lucy? you mean the 'Love and Lucky' Bank in Acalypa?" Nashi wondered if she read it wrong?
"m..maybe that's it. Maybe that's where I'm actually going." She must have been stupid to pronounce LUCKY to LUCY. "where is it Miss?"
"it's just three blocks away from behind the Cathedral" she looked a little startled.
"oh..thank you so much ma'am! I have to go!" Nashi ran.

"wait!....there's something else I need to tell you!" the lady didn't get to tell her. Nashi had already ran a good distance out of hearing.


Nashi kept repeating in her mind 'THIS IS IT. THIS IS IT' over and over again. After running for about 30 minutes or so, she finally arrived outside of the Love and Lucky Bank. She didn't hesitate to go inside out of breath. The bank teller asked,
"uh..may I help you ma'am?" asked the kind bank teller.
" you happen to have a female employee with the surname, HEARTFILIA?" Nashi asked out of breath.
"we do." It's like Nashi's world lit up from those two words. "but it's a man." And then that world crashed in just seconds.
"" the lady nodded.
"his name is Jude Heartfilia. But Sir Jude died years ago. He no longer works here. The bank always remembers him as he is always awarded as the 'best employee ever'." answered the lady.
"that's my grandfather."
"thank you......but, Are you sure you don't have anyone else? Maybe his daughter?" Nashi tried to put some clues.
"his daughter? You mean Miss Lucy Heartfilia?"

"yes! Yes! Her! you know where my mom is?" Nashi kept on pushing. She was this close. The bank teller looked like she didn't want to say.
"you're Lucy's daughter?"
"yes!..Please I need to know...." the lady swallowed a lump in her throat.

"I..I know it's not my place to tell you........but.....................Lucy Heartfilia died 16 years ago."

And with that........Nashi froze on the spot. "I..I'm sorry for your loss...."

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