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A/N: This story is a summary story. So it only lasts for 2-3 pages. I only put details when it is necessary. The Prologue is important so everything must be detailed too. Enjoy minna!

Nashi's POV

Looking through the old stuff in the attic is was my definition of fun today. My name is Nashi Dragneel. Age 16 and currently a senior in High School. Why am I here in the attic? I got bored doing the same boring stuff I do every weekends when I have no classes. Usually, I lock myself in the my room and play video games, watch anime, draw, or just scroll the internet. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-social. I have lots of friends so yes, I'm good. I am an outdoor kind of person. I love socializing. I join school clubs and join community clubs too.
If someone is gonna ask me about traveling, we'll I've already done that too. Actually I've traveled all around the world exploring every place in the 7 continents. How? Perks of being a only child with to super rich Father. Don't even judge me thinking that I am a spoiled brat which I am not. I'll be a b*tch if you give me a reason to be but if you want to know more, you'll get comfortable around me. I'll even show you my good side. So yeah that's basically. By the way, just because I'm rich, doesn't mean I have to fake myself like to act all princessy to the public.

Anyways, back to what I was doing. I had nothing else to do so I thought of taking a trip down memory lane. Dad never lets me go up here. I don't know why though. There's nothing dangerous here at all. Why am I not worried about getting caught? because Dad isn't here in the mansion right now. He's at work which would be in Alvarez. He owns his own school there which is called FAIRYTAIL ACADEMY. If you have heard of it, then you would know who my Father is. His name is NATSU DRAGNEEL. Know him? I think you do. Originally, we live in Tenroujima..I mean, dad lives in Tenroujima. We moved to Magnolia because it's closer to Alvarez. Dad has to stay 1 week there for work then comes back to Magnolia right after. He stays in Alvarez for 1 month then goes back to work, this the cycle repeats itself all over again. Since it's a Saturday today, I think he'll be home by tomorrow. Dad never leaves me alone that's why he always stays one month with me. He knows what I want and it is not materialistic stuff. What I want is time and love. I can have anything I want since were rich but all I want is my dad by my side since I don't have a mom.

I don't know where she is, neither does dad. But he did say that mom left us after I was born. It hurt me knowing that my mom never once thought about me. But by reading cliche Wattpad stories, I can assume that maybe she was one of dad's one night stands. Maybe my mom was a b*tch in the beginning and never gave a single f*ck about me. I don't know why but I still have that gut feeling that she's still out there...and wanting to see me. I hope that someday, I might meet her. I'll be the judge of her personally.

Because I was so deep in thought, I didn't realize that the box that was on top of the shelf fell down on me along with the other boxes stacked together. "Aaaaahhhh!" I'm buried under a pile of heavy boxes. Someone me. Assuming that no servant would step foot in here, I had to crawl out of the pile on my own. "Ouch...ouch..ouch...what's in these boxes?" I dusted off the dirt and dust on my clothes. The boxes were scattered everywhere. If someone questions why I'm here, I'll be in so much trouble.

30 minutes later....

Finally! cleaned the fallen boxes all by myself down to the last one. Took me long enough. Seeing as though nothing was here, I left. But before I left, something caught my attention. Out of all the boxes that was stored here, only one box was covered by a white blanket. It feels strange that it was the only one there covered while the rest is butt naked. Slowly, I went to reach for the blanket. I didn't hesitate to grab it off of the box. The box was dusty so I couldn't see the writings on the sides. Wiping off the dust, I got a glimpse of a name.
" Dragneel..........." Who is that? I continued to wipe off the remaining dusts. The name was finally visible. "....Lucy H. Dragneel......" I never knew had a sister. Wait, is dad's previous surname is 'Heartfilia'? I never knew that. This must be a huge secret since it was kept up here. Better take this back to my room. This got my interest.


Getting the box in my room was a hassle. I had to carry it all the way down the stairs then had to avoid every servant walking towards me. If they caught me, they'll ask and I have no choice but to tell them. But it's a good thing I know the twists and turns of the mansion, so I got to my room without getting caught. Time to see what's hidden inside.

Opening the box, I was amazed at all the materials stored inside. These were fancy clothes and jewelry, certificates, trophies, story books, keys, a doll, and other personal items like her photos. I took a clear look at Lucy's photos. "Why....does she look like me?" Every photo I saw of her reminded me of myself. How the style of my hair resembled hers. Then it struck me, "could it be?...could she possibly be............" Watching her photo album was tear jerking. One photo album filled with her and dad compiled together made my heart break. ""


After my mini emotional breakdown, I continued on savoring every precious item in mom's box. I kept observing her clothes, I tried on her jewelries, I cleaned her dusty picture frames and laminated her certificates, and I even shined her trophies, her zodiac keys and silver keys. I was currently arranging all of mom's personal stories. She made these stories all by herself. How cool is that? I wonder if I could re-type one of them and then publish it on Wattpad? Hehe sometimes I'm so evil.

"Fairytail, huh?" I stared at the manga mom drew. "sugoi!" mom seriously drew this? Look at this guy! That's my dad! Natsu Dragneel, the Fire Dragon slayer of Fairytail. It says here that mom is a celestial spirit wizard and they have a partner named 'Happy'. wait a second, my blue cat is named 'Happy'. Mom must have been here when 'Happy' was born.

1 hour of reading mom's Fairytail manga, I got so excited. I only got from Hargeon to the Fantasia arc. There are more mangas in the box which I have to keep on reading. Mom's works are thrilling. I can't handle the excitement. I feel as though I'm gonna explode out of happiness soon.

Everything about the mysterious woman that I call my mother was precious to me even when I never met her before. So this is how it feels to actually have a mom. Not physically though but, emotionally. I feel as though this box was her. Everything in the box have been carefully organized in my room. I even put the doll named 'Michelle' next to my bed. At least I have a piece of mom right next to me.

Night time came and I didn't even realize it. Tomorrow, I'm going to ask Dad about mom whether he likes it or not. He always dodges those questions as if talking about her was like having the plague. I'm a grown girl, I can handle whatever tragic back story that happened to them. I think Dad doesn't see me as that yet considering how he treats me. Daddy's little Princess. Was, Am and always will be in his eyes. I'll let my tomorrow self handle tomorrow's problems. For now, I will sleep like a log, with the thought of meeting my mother, Lucy Dragneel.

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