Chapter 2: You And I

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Lucy's POV

Life is going good for me. I've been a flight attendant for 1 and a half year now. My boss saw good potential in me so he promoted me to the 'Business class' section. I was excited for the promotion that I received. I love my job. I get to travel to different places in the first class category. Soaring in luxury has never been this amazing.


Nashi's POV

I like my mom's optimistic side. She seemed to enjoy her life. You know, just thinking about mom and her job makes me want to be like her. A female pilot huh? I think I know what I'm going to be doing in the future. Since my mom couldn't live out her dream, I'm going to do it for her. This sudden inspiration of wanting to be close to the sky as possible is filling me with adrenaline. It's like I couldn't wait to graduate high school and live out her dream.

Hold it!!! What am I getting so worked up about? I don't know this woman...but why does it feel like I know her since forever? I should stop my close minded self and open up a lot to this diary. This is the only source that I have to finding my mother. There's gotta be clues in here somewhere. There is no way that mom would lie to her own diary so I will put my faith in this little notebook. I'm not one of those girls who skip the boring parts and just jump into the juicy ones. I'm a bookworm. Reading a story from the start down to the last period is what I do. Deciphering mom's diary is a challenge that I would like to take. Whatever is in here, must be important.

Later on, I continued reading the pages. This diary is getting super juicy because the next page is talking about how mom met dad. I'm super excited! Goosebumps are forming on my skin just thinking about whatever happened to their love life. I bet it's romantic.


Lucy's POV

It's been 5 months since I started working in the Business class section of the airlines. All through these five months I have noticed this one man from the business class who seems to be on board every time I'm on duty. Is it me or is he staring at me? From what my crew told me, this man's name is Mr. Natsu Dragneel. The owner of Fairytail Academy in Alvarez. He goes home from Alvarez to Magnolia. My co workers would always gossip on how hot and rich this guy is. My reaction? I'm scared if I do anything that will or might insult him, I could loose my job. Someone as powerful as him can easily throw me out of the institution I'm in.


Next entry...

Lucy's POV

You don't know how embarrassed I was when Mr. Dragneel talked to me. He ordered lunch for two. He can eat a lot. I see him eat multiple times and I don't get how someone like him doesn't get fat. Maybe he works out?..yup, definitely that.

"Here's your order Sir Dragneel." I handed him the tray of food. He was sitting in one of the Airplanes luxury dining table.
"Ah..thank you Luce..." There he goes again. I don't know why he doesn't call me 'Lucy'? I bowed before leaving. Suddenly, an arm grabbed my hand. I flinched at the contact. Oh no, maybe he is mad because I got the orders wrong! Goodbye job!
" and where do you think you are going Luce?"
"Ahh..back to work Sir." I stuttered.
"No you are not. You're gonna help me eat this..." Sir Dragneel grinned.
"Uh..but Sir, I'm not allowed. Its not even my break yet..." I tried to reason out but he was being pushy.
"If the manager fires you, I won't hesitate to fire him. My brother owns Alvarez Airlines you know..." He winked at me. The blush on my face was turning visible. Why would he do that for me? "You don't have to worry. I got it all covered. So please, come sit down with me...." Sir Dragneel stood up and offered me a seat. I sat down. He was such a gentlemen. "Eat Luce..." I'm fully self-conscious on how I eat. I'm like a pig who gargles down food directly. It's embarrassing to show Sir Dragneel my disgusting side. I took small bites from the steak to not make myself look like a fool.
"Luce, don't be self conscious. Eat the way you eat at home. I won't judge..." Sir Dragneel said. I could see him using only a spoon to eat e mash potatoes and using his hand to hold the steak close to his mouth. Sauce was all over his mouth. His childish behavior made me giggle. "You like that don't you? C'mon, eat up...." Sir Dragneel continued on eating. I are how I normal do at home but I only showed a portion of my pig eating habits.

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