Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Mrs. Whitley was thoroughly proud of Andrew getting his homework done. I could see it in her eyes. I'm hoping she thinks I'm doing a good job.

"I'm very impressed with you, Andrew," says Mrs. Whitley. "I'm looking forward to see how you take the test today."

Andrew's body starts shaking. "Test? What test? Ugh...I didn't know there was a...Claire!"

"Calm down!" I say, widening my eyes. I start laughing along with the people surrounding us. "You know what to do, so just do it."

Andrew closes his eyes and laughs. His shoulders start shaking. I shake my head and roll my eyes. "You said it, not me."

Harper is staying silent, but I know she's listening. I haven't talked to her about what Andrew told me really happened at Chelsea Banks' party. Seeing how easily she lies, she could just deny and tell me Andrew's the one lying.

But Andrew wouldn't lie to me, would he? Does he think I'm gullible enough he can lie right to my face like Harper thought? I hope I don't come off that way to people.

Fingers starts running through my straightened hair, but they run across a couple tangles and pull my head back. "Andrew," I say, wincing. "What are you doing?"

"Do you have a hair band?" I nod, and hand them back to him. "I'm braiding your hair."

"What if I want it straight?"

"Sucks for you," he responds. He pulls my hair once or twice, and I think on purpose both times.

"Alright, guys," announces Mrs. Whitley. "I'm passing out your test. Once everyone has one, there is absolutely no talking." She stares at Andrew, which makes him laugh.

I feel him let go of my hair and my braid falls to my shoulder blades. I almost never braid my hair, but I guess I couldn't have objected.

I pass Andrew the test and I hear him deeply inhale. He's knows what he's doing, he just needs to figure it out.


By the time Geography with Mr. Garth comes around, I'm exhausted. And staying up until ten thirty didn't exactly help.

Thankfully all he has planned for today is watching a movie over World War II, which grabs my attention. However, it doesn't grab Andrew's. The whole entire hour we watch the movie, he sketches on the back of our note sheet. I can't quite tell what he's drawing, but it's a creature of some kind, like a mythological animal. I don't recognize it, but it's great.

After finding out that he can draw like he can, I know there's something special about him. He has talents in the most unthinkable ways, and art is one of them. I'm going to try to convince him to go to Denver University and draw. He can't pass up an opportunity and huge scholarship like this.

It becomes clear that Andrew is drawing a symbol of death. Almost like a Grim Reaper. Why does he draw such dark and depressing things? With his talent he can draw absolutely anything, and he chose death.

He doesn't catch me watching him, but he does catch me take out gum. I give him a piece without him having to beg and beg.

After Geography, it's finally time to leave. I haven't been more excited to sleep in my life.

"Hey, Claire bear," Andrew says while he walks beside me.

"Hi," I say back.

"Are you going to Collin's party tonight after the game?" He asks.

I look at him. "He's having a party after you guys will be sweaty and gross?"

Andrew smiles and shrugs. "I guess so. Are you coming or what?"

50 Shades Of Garfield (Andrew Garfield Fanfic) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now