Gang Life

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"Hello, stephfather I'm going home. I'll meet you there."
With that I ended the call.
- At Home -

"Hey mom." I said while switching on the TV. She was currently giving me the silent treatment. Childish right.

"Mom, well... It's been two hours and you've not said anything. I'm sorry, I love you and I'll leave, if you want." I mumbled lowly.

No reply.
No reply.
"I'm leaving, bye." I said pecking her forehead before taking my jacket and walking towards the door.

"Don't go, Jason." She said while walking into the kitchen.
That brought a smile to my face, I walked back to her grinning like an idiot. She still looked as emotionless as ever but anyway she forgave me.

No she didn't. - my consciousness sneered.

"Mom, can I come help you." I said while sitting on the stool in the kitchen.
- No reply. -
I told you. -My consciousness added.

This is getting on my nerves. I know how to get her attention. Smiling to myself, I sat on the counter and started swinging my legs and banging cabinets. I could tell she was getting angry but instead of blowing up she left the kitchen. I really need to stop pissing people off.

Calling my dad father could do the trick, thinking of it, I called him stepfather.

"Where's Jason?" I heard my dads voice boom around the house. My safe spot, where's my safe spot. It's in the kitchen right.

"Jason, what where you thinking." Wow. A way to start a conversation. Hide!!! My consciousness screamed.

"Hey dad." Very smart (sarcastically)
"Let's go Jason." He pulled me out of the stool. Wait, does he think I'm actually going to let him spank me like that. No, I'm not and I am going to do what I've never thought of. Call the cops.

"Let me go." I screamed, pulling my arm from his, which only caused him hold me with a little tighter grip.
"Stop." I'm sorry please stop. I need to call the cops. I dialled 911 while my dad pulled me up the stairs.

"Hello, what may be the problem."
"He's trying to hurt me, help!" I am freaking out. My dad has never been this angry. I'm so scared, I can't go through this.

"Where are you. Who's gonna hurt you?" A foreign voice came from somewhere. Oh my phone. My dad pulled me to his room, where he locked the door and sat on the bed. He didn't seem to care that I was talking to the police.

"I'm at Stone mansion and it's my father, my stepfather, Mr Stone. Please help me. " "Is it Jason Stone." "Yes, yes. How do you know it's me." This is really strange, aren't they suppose to just come, like without so much questioning.

"Sorry, but we can't do much." Huh. "What the hell. Damn this is some fucked up shit. What do you mean by we can't do much, didn't you hear me, isn't this illegal." I screamed into the phone.

"Your father, sent a message to the minister once he noticed you were missing. He already told him he was going to tan your ass once he found you. So don't expect anything less..." I tuned everything out. He was worried, he blocked the borders, called the minister.

"He also has a licence to state punishment when found necessary so, no police or assassin, nothing well, no one can stop him. Sorry."
"Thanks officer and sorry for all the cursing. I think I need to face my dad."
"Good luck." and with that the call went dead.

I stared at my dad for a while before finally standing up and walking towards him. He had an emotionless expression. My dad... Wow.

"Hey dad." -No reply.-
"I know you're disappointed and all but I was scared like freaking scared. You blamed me for everything as if I could do anything. You said quote. 'Your making me regret ever adopting you.' That killed me from the inside out.

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