Chapter 22

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Hello! Me again! Tehe, I bet I'm getting on your nerves now. Oh well. My story, my rules. Sorry about the cheesy beginning in this one, lol.Anyway, just thought I'd let you know I have BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG plans for the next chapter or so......are you interested now? Thought so. :)

Love Lily xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox


"Um....Dan, we're gonna be late. And you're kinda crushing my hand." I murmured, my face pressed against the side of his neck. He sighed.

"Shut up Adira, you're ruining the moment." He laughed, hugging me tighter. He kissed the top of my head.

"Sorry." I replied, smiling.

He chuckled into my hair. "I..."

"What?" I asked, pulling back to look at him.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

I gave him a playful shove. "Yeah, right. Seriously, tell me."

He looked kind of embarrassed and scratched the back of his head. "It's stupid."

"I really don't care."

"I...was going to say I loved you...but it seemed kinda....cheesy. I don't know." He flushed.

I was quite speechless.

Dan loves me?

" I don't know what to say." I looked down awkwardly, but inside I was ecstatic. I felt my face heating up. I wasn't very good at this sort of thing.

He tilted my chin up so he could stare into my eyes. "You don't have to say anything. I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just had to get that out of my system."

"'s not that."

"What is it, then?"

"'s kinda strange. I mean, we've only been on one date, and that didn't exactly turn out brilliant, and already you're declaring your love for me?" I realised then just how cynical I sounded.

"It sounds weird, I know. But it's the truth, Adira. I think I kinda love you. I've never felt like this about anyone before, I swear." He murmured in my ear, then moved so that his face was directly in front of mine.

"We're late." I whispered, glancing at the clock on the dashboard.

"Screw school." He growled, and meshed his lips with mine.

I don't think there was ever a moment when I'd been happier.


"Adira, can I talk to you a second?" That annoying voice I knew so well came from behind me.

"What is it now, Zayden?" I asked, turning.

"It's important. We won't be long, don't worry."

I turned and raised my eyebrow. If he expected me to just do what he said all the time, he was severely mistaken. I carried on walking.

"Thanks, but I have class. Some people want to get an education."

"Come on, Adira. Please."

"I said no! Jeez. Just leave me alone." I sped up, but he was still walking next to me.

He sighed. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this."

"Do wha--"

I was cut off by Zayden grabbing my arm and hauling me into an empty classroom. We got some weird looks from passers-by, but he closed the door quickly. I tried to dodge past him to the door, but he grabbed my arm and dragged me back.

"What the hell?" I protested, "Let go of me, jerk!"

"Now will you listen?" He glared at me.

"No!" I said, but realised he was blocking the only exit, so I couldn't get out anyway, "Okay, fine. Make it quick."

He let go of my arm. "Okay. I know I've said this a thousand times before--"

"No, I'm not staying away from Dan."


"Because we're dating, idiot."

"Adira, don't do this. He'll only hurt you."

"Oh, really? Well, how come he told me he loved me this morning?"

He didn't look surprised. "Lies."

I wave of fury washed over me. "Shut up! You don't know anything about us! So just leave me the hell alone, and stop trying to tell me what to do."

His eyes flashed angrily. "I'm trying to protect you. But I can see you don't appreciate it. I'll just leave you to face your own stupid fate, shall I?" He turned and grabbed the door handle.

"Yeah, you fucking should!" I was yelling now, "And I still think you're a vampire."

He stopped and turned back towards me. "Adira. You're still fucking serious about that? I told you, there are no such thing as vampires."

"Really?" I took a step closer to him, "Well, how come your eyes change colour? How come you were acting weird when Sarah cut her finger? How come you always seem to be everywhere that I go? Huh? I bet if I cut myself right now--"

"Adira, shut up. You have no idea how crazy you sound. Firstly, my eyes don't change colour. Lots of people say that, but it's usually just the light."

"Right." I said sarcastically, crossing my arms over my chest.

He ignored me. "Secondly, I wasn't feeling well that day. The sight of blood makes me feel sick, and I just felt a little nauseous. An--"

"You really are the most pathetic liar."

"Shut up. And thirdly, it's not my fault if you're a stalker."

I glared at him. "I hate you. And I am not a stalker."

"Whatever you say." He smiled without humour.

I shook my head, too angry to think of anything to say back to him and proceeded towards the door. He didn't stop me from leaving. I slammed the door forcefully behind me. I pulled my phone out of my bag to check the time.

Crap. I had missed over half the lesson. I groaned in frustration. Fuck him. I stormed off down the corridor towards the class. Thankfully as I shoved open the door and sat in my seat the teacher wasn't there, and so the class was having a mini party. Avery came up to me.

"Hey, dude, why you so late? And what's wrong?"

I sighed, leaning my head in my hands. "Nothing, I'm fine. Really."

She raised her eyebrows disbelievingly. "Whatever you say, hun." She said, echoing Zayden's words from earlier. Except without the 'hun' bit. She walked off, just as my phone buzzed. I opened the text. The ID read 'unknown' but after one look at the message I knew instantly who it was from.

Oh, and one more thing.

Don't go into the woods. You don't know what's hiding out there, seriously. Please do as I say, just this once.

Whatever. I deleted it. He just couldn't order me around. I had really had enough of him. I glared at my phone scree like it was him.

"Um, dude? You okay? Seriously, what's up with you today?" Avery nudged me.

"I'm fine. Perfectly. Fine." I hissed through gritted teeth.

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