Chapter 21

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Hellooo! Yay! I can't believe I've gotten past chapter 20! Haha lol. :)) I'm sure I'm boring you already, so you can read the story now. I hope you like it! And I've posted the cast, check it out. Do you have other suggestions as to who should play the characters, or do you like it??? :DD xx


I awoke to an annoying tapping on my shoulder. Without opening my eyes, I mumbled an incoherent 'fuck off', but it just continued. I eventually opened my eyes. Zayden quickly removed his hand from my shoulder.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Um, do you realise what the time is? You need to get up." He said. I realised he was fully dressed in fresh clothes, so he must've gone home to get them. I glanced at my alarm clock. Oh crap. I was so late. I turned and glared at him.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!"

"Um, because I only just got back. Get up!"

I threw my quilt off me. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

He quickly turned away from me. That's when I realised I was wearing only a camisole and a pair of shorts.

"I should...uh, go." He mumbled, while hurriedly getting up and half running across the room to the door. Way to make a girl feel special. I sighed and climbed out of bed, feeling the icy air hit my bare skin, and shuddered. I crossed the landing to the bathroom and got into the shower. The feel of the hot water beating down onto my skin was absolute bliss. My tense muscles loosened and I felt relaxed. Wrapping myself in a towel, I went back to my room and picked out a Slipknot t-shirt with some acid washed ripped denim shorts and black tights, and got dressed quickly. I yanked on a grey cardigan and grabbed my bag, then sprinted down the stairs in record time.

"I'm ready." I said breathlessly to an amused looking Zayden. I glared at him when he didn't move.

"Come on, or we'll be late!" I whined, tugging on his sleeve. He grinned, then suddenly burst out laughing.

"What?" I said, confused, "What's so funny?"

In between sniggers, he said, "I changed your clock. It's, like, seven, but you totally fell for it!"

I glowered at him. "Oh, very mature. Not."

He just laughed again, tipping his head back. I shoved him. "God, you're so annoying!"

I walked past him and straight out the door, over to my car.

"Hey, where are you going, Adira? I told you that school hasn't started yet." He called after me.

"I know, I'm just getting away from you." I replied over my shoulder.

He appeared in front of me, grinning. He held his hand in the air, my car keys dangling from his fingers. I grabbed at them, but he held them above his head, out of my reach.

Damn my midget genes!

I glared at him, but he just looked back at me innocently. Then I had an idea.

"Fine, I'll go in Dan's car." I said, changing my course towards his car that was parked on the sidewalk, but he blocked my path again. I sighed in frustration. "What?"

"Dan'll most likely kill you if you turn up to school in his car. Just saying."

"Well, I've gotta drop it off at some point, haven't I?"

"Or I could just come and pick it up." Dan's voice came from behind me. I slowly turned to his unsmiling face.

"Um...Dan. Hi." I cringed.

"Adira," He replied coolly, then turned to Zayden, glaring and looking slightly nauseated, "Zayden."

He nooded curtly, surprisingly civil, but said nothing. He then proceeded to walk past us, and down the street. I watched him disappear around the corner. Now what? I swallowed and turned to face Dan again. He held his hand out in front of him, palm towards the sky. I dropped his car keys into it. He closed his fingers around them and put it in his pocket. The silence afterwards was deafening. I began to walk past him, to my car, but he grabbed my arm.

"Adira, wait. I wanted to apologize for last night."

"Let go of my arm." I said quietly, each word encased in ice.

"Adira, please. Just hear me out." He said, but didn't loosen his grip.

"Fine, but get the fuck off me!"

He sighed, and let go of my arm. "Okay. So, I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I didn't mean any of what I said to you last night, and you didn't deserve to be treated like that. And I'm sorry about the whole, er, thing with Zayden. I shouldn't have beat him up, as much as I hate him. Sorry for ruining your night. I know you probably hate me right now, but I still like you," He shuffled his feet awkwardly, "So, um, yeah."

I crossed my arms. He sounded so sincere. "You really expect me to forgive you that easily?" I asked coldly, but if I was completely honest, I never hated him to start.

He looked down. "Um, no, not really."

"Then why did you come round?"

He gave a nervous chuckle. "I don't know really."

I sighed. "Okay."

He looked up, a hopeful look in his eyes. "'Okay' what?"

I gave him a small smile. "You driving me to school or what?"

He grinned. "Yes, yes of course! And thank you so much."

"Whatever. I'm still pissed off." I called over my shoulder whilst climbing into the passenger seat of his car. I noticed that Zayden's jacket was stilll draped over the back of the seat. I stuffed it into my bag, knowing that Dan would probably get pissed off if he saw it there, considering how much they hated each other. He got in and started up the engine.

"Dan?" I asked. He turned to me, still looking cheerful, "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything." He was still smiling.

"Why do you hate Zayden so much if you've only just moved here? I mean, from what I've seen you hardly ever talk to each other an--"

He cut me off, now unsmiling. "There are some things I like to keep to myself, Adira. just like you have sercets, I have mine. Can you respect that?" His voice sounded like it had last night.

"Um," I stuttered, slightly unnerved, "Yeah, um, sure."

"Good." His voice was cold. I swallowed and looked out of the window. We were nearly there.

Suddenly, he pulled over onto the edge of the road.

"I'm sorry," He said, wrapping his arms around me, "Come here."

I let myself be pulled into his embrace. It felt nice, having his arms around me like this. I felt strangely safe, despite the nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I was wrong. I ignored it.

"It's okay," He murmured into my hair, "Everything will be okay, you'll see."

But I had the weirdest feeling that he might be lying.

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