Chapter 8 - The Vision

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Once the lights went down low, I couldn't really see anyone. I was then forced back in the chair and the closed my eyes, which is by far the weirdest feeling I have ever felt. When my eyes closed, I saw images and heard voices that I have never seen, or heard before. I heard a woman singing a bittersweet melody, and I saw a girl which I recognized as Amy, just a lot younger. The woman that was singing stopped and started to scream. I then saw a scene of someone getting captured, but it was foggy, and I could only see a bit of the face, of the person who was getting captured. My vision was filled with a gold light, and I then woke up in the chair. I breathed a sigh of relief. Bruce came to my aid. He unhooked the wires and took off the handcuffs. He helped me out of the chair.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little startled." I said. I was shocked and a bit dizzy. I sat up and frowned. "What was that thing?" 

"What thing?" Bruce was confused. 

"That vision thing.." I started to say but he was genuinely confused I just gave up. I really didn't want to have to explain everything I saw to him in great detail. "It's nothing. Probably just a daydream."

He nodded. "Ok I'll send you up with someone to your room." 

"Thank you, but I can manage." I said. 

"If you say so." He replied.

I nodded, then went to the door and opened it. I walked into the hallway, and then realized why he wanted to send someone with me. I had no idea where we were. I was not going back to ask though. Never in a million years. Then when all hope seemed lost, I caught sight of Lyric lurking by the door I just came out. I walked up to him, and startled him by saying, "Well since you always seem to be the person who shows me where things are, and takes me to places that I need to be, can you help guide me back to the lab?" He rolled his eyes, but nodded and said ok. He walked down a series of hallways, which I tried to memorize the best I could, so I would know where to go, and then reached the familiar glass doors to the entrance of the lab. When we reached the it, I nodded, said my thanks and walked back to my room. I sat down on my bed and looked out the window. People were rushing about, cars were honking and beeping. Everyone seemed to have something to do, and was doing it. I wish that I was down there, doing all the things, normal things, that they are doing right now. Instead I was up here trying to process what I just saw. The person I saw getting captured, was really familiar. How? I don't know. I know I've seen her before, though. I sighed, and flopped back on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, and then I heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened it, and Natasha was standing there. 

"We need you to come back to the lab, and we'll talk about what you saw, there."
I nodded, grabbed my sweater, and followed her out the door.

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