10 Man Hunt

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Just as Jack had expected, Ally had returned with promises of staying true and begging for forgiveness, but he wasn't interested. She screamed some more at him, but he ignored her and watched as she packed up as much as possible in her suitcase. She had tears streaming down her face, almost as much as he did, but he was silent the entire time. He only spoke to her when he told her when she could come back to get the rest of her belongings. Once she had what she could carry, he walked her to the door and asked for his house key back. With one final plea, she begged to stay, but he shook his head no, sadness etched across his face. Begrudgingly, she removed the key from her collection and handed it to him before gathering her things and walking down the steps of his home. With a final glance at her retreating form, he closed the door gently and slid the key into his pocket.

Later that day, he saw a message from her on Twitter that was sent to everyone. It was no secret in the community that they were dating, so she had a lot of followers.

Breaking up is hard to do, she sent out.

She received many responses almost immediately, all sympathetic towards her. He gave an indignant snort. If only the public knew what caused the breakup, he would bet they wouldn't be so kind. He let it be for the moment but kept an eye on social media. He knew how she could turn a situation in her favor, which would be bad press for him.

After that, he focused on pumping out videos and sending them off to Robin. He contacted his friend and editor to let him know he would be extending his vacation and would get back to him about his return to regular business. Robin offered to help by creating a new animation for Jack so he would have an extra video to count on. Jack was so grateful for the man and glad he had found him and became friends. For the first time in a few days, he really smiled.

After three days of recording, Jack felt he had enough to keep him going longer. He pushed himself like never before, barely sleeping and eating quick bites of take-away and pizza between recordings. He wasn't editing anything, he didn't want to waste time, he relied solely on Robin for that. He made a note to give the man the biggest thanks as soon as he could focus again. Thankfully, he didn't have to put up too much of a front regarding his emotions for his videos. The community already knew about his break-up, but he did his best to stay happy and cheerful, even if his smile didn't go to his eyes. Knowing he would be going after Mark helped. It motivated him, and when the sadness threatened to take hold, he would focus on Mark's words from his journal and how much he meant to the American.

Once he was confident he could leave for a few more days, he pulled up the GPS tracking app on his phone and punched in Mark's number. After searching, it found the American in Paris, France.

"Gotcha!" Jack said with a smile.


He had to leave Dublin, which meant a little over an hour on the train from home, but it was only an hour-and-a-half flight to Paris. He had changed out of his clothes in his travel bag, but he kept Mark's journal to have something to read during his traveling. He wasn't sure how he would explain having it, but he hoped that in his defense, it was pivotal in his own self-discovery, and Mark would forgive him for having it.

The train ride from Athlone to Dublin was uneventful. He would either read a passage or two from Mark's journal, staying away from the sex scenes as he didn't have the luxury of a private cabin and didn't need to be dealing with a full-blown erection with around others. Or he would get on his phone to check Mark's location, making sure he didn't leave Paris, or check social media for damage control due to his now ex. So far, she hadn't posted anything else, for which he was grateful. He was getting many messages from his community asking if he was alright or wishing him well. He sent out a Twitter post saying he was going to be fine. He loved his community, he had the best by far, as they were always so loving and there for him, and each other in a moments notice.

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