Prologue - Jack's RYC

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Mark was sitting in bed, his back against the headboard, the blanket pulled up to his waist, a bottle of water leaning against his side, and his laptop on his knees. His chest still hurt from all the crying he had been doing. Lately, his eyes were red and felt raw from the number of tears shed, and his throat was sore from the screaming. He had already sent a Twitter post out to his fans, asking for a day off, as he needed rest and to recuperate from his heartache. He was browsing through YouTube when his Twitter notification on his phone beeped at him, informing him that a new video had been uploaded on Jack's channel. He clicked over to his friend's profile and found that the latest Reading Your Comment video had been uploaded.

With a slight smile, Mark started the recording; these kinds of videos always made him happier.

The first few questions, about dreams and his Diamond Play Button, were fun, but then a new question got Mark's attention.

"If you were gay, would you date Markiplier or PewDiePie?"

Mark perked up at this. A single spot of hope suddenly dangled before him.

"Okay, this question comes up a lot. First off, I'm not gay. That's just a big thing straight away. I'm not gay. I never will be gay. Not that ... there's not ... absolutely nothing wrong if you are gay. More power to you, love whoever you want to love, don't let anybody stop you from loving whoever you want to love, but me personally, I'm not gay, and secondly, they're not gay, ... If I were gay, they're not. So that puts another boundary in the way. And thirdly, Felix has a girlfriend and Mark ... well, he could anytime he wanted. So that's another thing in the way, so no, is the answer to that question, and even if I was gay and they were gay, and we were both single, probably still no because I don't know. It's so far outside the realm of possibility, or what could happen, or is happening, or anything like that, that I just can't imagine it anyway."

Jack had moved on to the next question, but Mark didn't hear a thing. The laptop had slipped from his knees and was lying at a peculiar angle on the bed. He had his hands up to his ears, his eyes closed tight, and a primal scream began to tear its way out of the back of his throat. Any hope he had, the tiny sliver of any chance with the man he loved, was now shattered beyond recognition.

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