09 Coming home

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From the ferry to a train, Jack eventually made it home. He got something to eat between the two stops, wondering what his plan of action would be. He had to find Mark, he knew that, he also had to figure out what he was going to do with Ally. He had almost forgotten about her while he was focused on the American. Truthfully, Mark was one of the biggest reasons she and him fought. She would constantly accuse him of obsessing over his American friend than he did with her. He argued that he had seen her daily since they lived together and had only seen Mark during his travels. Sure, they would text and Skype, but not every day, not as much as people thought they did. She could be clingy when she really wanted.

He went to put his key in the door but found it to already be unlocked. Something else they would argue over. She always left the front entrance unsecured. Which under normal circumstances was fine, but he wasn't a normal person, and they have had fans show up on their doorstep before. So he wanted the door always to be locked, which she didn't bother with.

He quietly walked in, figuring she was probably on her phone again. She accused him of constantly talking with Mark, but she was notorious for always talking with one of her girlfriends, even during inappropriate times like dinner or when they were supposed to be cuddling on the couch. Sometimes, he felt like she was only dating him for his notoriety.

He walked in and placed his travel bag on a chair in their small kitchen, his suitcase against it. He went to start a pot of coffee when he heard a noise coming from upstairs. Wondering if everything was alright, he walked over to the stairway. Listening, he heard a thumping noise coming from the upper floor. Quietly, he walked up the steps, and the noise grew louder. He discovered it was coming from his bedroom, and as he got closer, he realized what it was. The thumping noise, coupled with the grunting noises he knew so well, his demeanor dropped like a stone.

Slowly, he walked up to the door and opened it carefully. The site that greeted him made him see red. With their bedsheets barely covering them, Ally was lying on her back, with her legs wrapped around the body of some tall, lanky man who was pounding into her. Her red hair splayed over her pillow, her hazel eyes screwed tight, as her mouth was open and panting from being drilled into the mattress.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jack exclaimed from the entryway.

The lovers in the bed suddenly stopped, and the man looked over his shoulder at Jack in complete shock at being caught. For a moment, the entire room and its occupants were perfectly still when suddenly all chaos broke loose. The guy who was lying on top of Ally quickly pulled off of her and, in one swift motion, grabbed his clothes off the floor, got his pants on, without underwear, and ran from the room. Pushing past Jack as quickly as he could. Ally was scrambling to get her clothes on as Jack stood there in complete shock and dismay.

"Baby, you're home early," she said.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" Jack was furious.

"Calm down, Seán!" Ally said firmly.

"CALM DOWN?" Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Jack demanded, stepping into the room.

"This is all your fault, you know," Ally said, pulling her long, red, straight hair up into a high ponytail, having gotten her pants and shirt on.


"WELL, IF YOU HADN'T RUN OFF TO SEE YOUR BOYFRIEND IN CALIFORNIA, I WOULDN'T HAVE HAD A REASON TO CHEAT ON YOU!" she yelled back, stepping up to stand a foot away from him, her hands on her hips.

Ally had a temper, especially when she was being defensive.

OH MY FUCKING GOD, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" However, at this point, Jack knew he wanted to say otherwise. "BUT IF HE WERE, AT LEAST HE WOULDN'T CHEAT ON ME!!" Not caring anymore, Jack let loose. He was done with her and how she never treated him with any respect.

"GO FUCK YOURSELF SEÁN!" She screamed before stomping out of the room and headed down the stairs.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He yelled back. He wasn't going to put up with her shit.

"WHAT?" She yelled from the bottom of the stairway.

"YOU HEARD ME! I want you out by the end of the night, pack all your shit, and get out," he said, this time more calmly but firmly as he headed down the stairwell.

"YOU CAN'T KICK ME OUT!" she fought back, her face red with anger and her hazel eyes glinting with spite.

He reached the final step and looked her dead in the eyes. "Yes, I can, and I am. We're done. Go live with your little whore of a boyfriend, go back to your family in Tullamore. I don't care where you go. Just leave," Jack said sternly.

His heart hurt, his eyes stung, but he wouldn't cry. He wouldn't let her see him break down, not because of her. She didn't deserve it. She didn't even look sorry, just pissed off. Before he knew what had happened, she slapped him across the face. Then, she turned and grabbed her purse and shoes from the table by the door. He said nothing as she gave him one last glare before slamming the door behind her.

He sat down on the couch, letting his head hang forward, cradling it in his hands. First, he loses Mark, now his girlfriend. His world just kept crumbling down around him. A cry escaped him, then another, and soon, he was bawling hard as the feeling of betrayal overtook him. He and Ally may have had their differences, but he still cared for her. They had been dating for almost two years, and for the most part, those were two good years. But she wanted more than he could give. More of his time and attention. It was why he invited her to live with him so that he could give her those things, but it wasn't enough. She would get mad when he didn't mention her in videos or bring her along to some of the conventions he went to. Her temper would flare up, and they would fight. She'd sometimes ask for forgiveness, or he would, depending on the situation. But she never respected his work, and she didn't really respect him. He gave her so much and for so little in return.

When he calmed down, he got up and slowly made his way back up to the second floor. He looked into his bedroom and felt nauseous. He didn't want to walk in but needed a few things. Before heading out, he grabbed an extra blanket from the closet and some clothes from his dresser. He dropped the blanket on the floor outside the bathroom and decided to take a shower to get the filth off his skin.

The hot water pouring down his body would normally be relaxing, but tension was still in his shoulders and back as he stood beneath the steady stream. He leaned forward, letting the water spray down the back of his green hair, down his neck and across his back, his eyes closed as he wondered what he was going to do. On one hand, breaking up with Ally freed him to pursue Mark, but on the other, Mark pushed him away. How was he supposed to convince the man to give him a chance when it was his fault the American left to begin with?

After twenty more minutes of thinking and then cleaning up, he got out. Once dressed, he snagged the blanket he left near the door and returned downstairs. He tossed the blanket on the couch, where he would be sleeping for a while, and went into the kitchen to make that coffee he was distracted from earlier. Once it was brewed and he had a cup, he stood leaning against the counter, thinking about his options. He knew Ally would be back later to beg for forgiveness, which he wasn't about to give or to gather her stuff. He'd have to suck it up and stand his ground. They were done, of that he was certain.

Then he remembered the GPS app. Thanks to Felix, it was how he found Mark to begin with. He'd use it to find his best friend again; this time, he wouldn't return home empty-handed. He wasn't sure how, but he had to convince Mark that he was ready and willing to be with him.

With renewed determination, Jack refilled his coffee and went upstairs to his studio. He needed to make a bunch more videos as quickly as he could because as soon as he had a few more days' worth of content ready, he was going on a manhunt.

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