The Final Encounter

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I will finish it once and for all.....

    I left the Fellowship, slipping out into the battlefield. The men were toasting their victories shamelessly; the tang of alcohol rampant in the air, along with the sting of blood. Legolas stood guard near the tent, his expression wooden. As I passed him, though, I felt his arm catch mine. His voice floated, like a whisper of hope, "No matter what, I will be with you," his words passed from his lips. I turned to face him slowly, his eyes connecting with mine. In that single moment, something had jolted both of us; almost like a connection, but it soon faded when the thought returned. 

    Giving Legolas a slight nod, I left the tent noiselessly before treading back towards the battlefield-- back where it had all started.... 


    The battlefield was stained with blood-- both from enemy and friend. As I passed each corpse, a bit of my heart seemed to weep, but my face was of marble-- unable to give any emotions. It was truly strange. In life, we were many things: royals, peasants, prisoners, slaves-- but the only time we were equal was in death. 

     My eyes narrowed. Before me, I saw the unmistakable form of Aeduinn-- broken, just as he was when we fought-- but this time, there will no longer be anything left of him. Blood pooled from his wounds, as he lay on the ground; his eyes no longer exploding with fury, but empty... hollow.... If it had been another lifetime, perhaps I would have pitied him... but no longer...

  I leaned in closer, knowing that this was the end. Finally, after all those years, it was finally the end. "Have you stayed to gloat?" Aeduinn spat in my face, blood colliding with spittle, "just kill me now. I have taken everything from you- your family, your country, and even your dearest sister! I don't want your mercy and I will not beg for forgiveness to some wrench of Shanelor!" he hissed, blood dribbling out of the corner of his mouth; his eyes defiant.

  I chuckled, wiping the blood from my face. "I never asked for you to apologize, nor do I want it," I began, my words hollow yet my voice as equally defiant, "death is too good for scum like you."

  "Then throw me in prison!" he said, hurling the words at me with such force that it rang through the empty battlefield; falling deaf to the ears of the dead, "I'll just escape and kill you, ending your unworthy bloodline!"

  My eyes narrowed. "You have killed many, Aeduinn, and not just my family. You don't deserve the swift slash to the artery, nor the hopelessness of prison."

  "Isn't that what you want?" he asked, coughing out more blood.

  I laughed, marveling at his sheer ridiculousness. "It was never about what I wanted!" I hissed, my voice darkening, "you know that better than anyone, Aeduinn. My father had me turned into a personal weapon to increase his control, my mother spited me whenever she could, and my brothers liked nothing better than to see me crawl into a grave on all fours like a common beast! I was never asked what I wanted, and when I met you, I thought I finally found love- a force that had eluded me for so long. I thought that you were the one I wanted, so I played to your whims like a common lapdog!"

  Was it just the trick of the light, or did he flinch?

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