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{~song for chapter: Devil Eyes-Hippie Sabotage~}
Ziah's POV:
~a month later~
I'm back at work
I'm in my office when Zoe walks in
"The magazine arrived" she says excitedly
I giggle & she hands me it
Sure enough the picture of Nate appears as the front cover of it
Along with "Interview With Sk8" written in bold letters
I read the entire magazine & scream out when I see my article
"I thought you would be used to it by now..you've been working here for almost 3 years now" she says
"I know..but it's like elementary all over again..when my article about the cafeteria food appeared all over the school" I say remembering that day
"Yeah I also remembered the food getting better after that article" she says laughing
"Anyway I'll let you continue.."
I stop her when I feel nauseous
I've been feeling sick for a week now..but kept it a secret for a couple of days now
"Zi are you-"
I throw up in the nearby trash can
She cringes
"Zi are you feeling okay? You got the flu or some shit?" She asks
"No I'm-"
I throw up again
"I'm sending you home" she says rubbing my back & holding my hair back
I shake my head
"No I'm okay really-"
Again I throw up
~at home~
Im laying in bed
"Zoe I want ice cream with skittles & Doritos" I whine
"With Doritos & Skittles? What's up with you lately?" She asks
"Idk." I say
"Good thing you stopped puking though" she says handing me a bowl of ice cream
"Forget the Doritos I want only the skittles" I whine
She hands me a bag of skittles
"Are you pregnant by any chance?" She blurts out
I choke on my food
"Omg you don't think do you?" I ask freaking out
"I'll buy some tests right now."
"Wait what If Nate arrives home early" I say worriedly
"Don't worry your coming with me..but your staying in the car" she says & puts a jacket on me
"What about Niya?" I ask worried about her
"She's at classes right now" she says & walks me out of the door
My phone buzzes
"Hello?" I say my voice a bit raspy
"Whoa hello baby" I hear Nate's voice
"Hi baby I'm sorry I'm a bit under the weather" I say & fake a cough
"Oh okay..want me to leave the studio early?" He asks
"No stay there..I'll see you at home afterwards" I say
He sighs
"I love you" he says
"I love you too" I say & we hang up
She shoves me in the cab & we drive off to the local CVS...
{~live like golden...~}
Omg could #Siah be expecting a baby???
Tagged favs;
Peace & Love💙

Chocolate {~A Nate Maloley  Fanfic~} #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now