Chapter 2

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Metallic Need

Ch. 2

By: Cutegirlmayra (-reads the last chapter, seeing Metal Sonic be hardcore and let the robots tear into him while he's still able to feel the pain- He's so.. cool! Lol, I love how dark and evil he is, but at the same time, I love how feeling and kind, but clever, Metal Amy is... ugh, I can't wait to really kick this story into gear. Which reminds me~ Let the next chapter begin! :D –note: I actually had to rewrite the beginning -_-; I had another idea that was just NOT WHAT I WANTED, so it's all better and more to my liking now! :D I was gonna show Metal Sonic constructing Metal Amy again, but I'll save those details of her new 'features' later~)

Metal Sonic was now completed. His head twitched and slowly rolled on its neck's stabilizing ball for balance. At last, he could twitch his hands and experience his new body.

The computers had downloaded a higher functioning computer, allowing a greater capacity for knowledge storing and quick calculating into his datacore. His laughter ceased before starting up again, his receptor shining with a voice that was more like Sonic's, but darker... more robotic with its metallic vibration.

"Perfect... I can feel the perfection... I can finally take on Sonic!!" he ripped his being from the cords and other mechanical devices that were holding him up during that torturous editing phase, dropping hard with a 'Clank' to the ground, and holding up his arm to examine his new being. He looked more like Sonic, less like his classic look and maybe even a little bit like what he resembled back before he was destroyed by Team Sonic. He looked to the side of him, seeing a cape, and his receptor moved at an angle to resemble somewhat of a smirk.

His whole body seemed more and more organic... was he simply trying to be more like a perfect robotic Sonic? It was a mystery...

Metal Sonic placed his cape on, and turned to the other three, broken down and ripped apart by his previous rage or tauntings; as was the case with Metal Amy...

His red eyes scanned them in the darkness of the repair room before looking to his right, seeing Metal Amy's body already positioned on the ground near where he was repaired. Losing his simulated grin, he walked over to her and bent down, picking her up and looking at her. "...What to do with you..." he traced his silvery claw over her face, and scratched it up again, causing a large shrieking sound like chalk to a chalkboard to resonate through the room.

"Hahaha!" he laughed, throwing her on the table. "I will enjoy remaking you..."

-Many hours later-

Sonic and the gang began to make their way back from a previous 'we saved the world' adventure as Tails hopped up in front of Sonic, looking overjoyed, "And remember when Knuckles took out that power line to save me? I thought for sure I was gonna die!"

Sonic laughed, "Yeah, you gave us all quite a scare there, Tails." He grinned, as Knuckles tilted his head with a proud smile.

"Well, I tend to show up when I'm most needed. As that's how a true hero works." He raised a hand, gloating and mocking Sonic slightly.

Sonic looked back to him with a sly expression, throwing some mischief back at Knuckles, "You trying to say something, Knuckles? Cause last I checked, you were pretty lucky I showed up early when Eggman sent in that Annihilatorbot."

"..Hmph." Knuckles looked away and grumbled to himself as the team all laughed, seeing as Sonic had gotten the better of him on that one.

"Haha!" Sonic laughed at his own comeback too, before...

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