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Metallic Need

Season 2 Chapter 9 FINAL UNEDITED

By: CGMayra (I tossed all my notes to the wind, lolol After so long of thinking about this story as a Character Study, I want to end it as the true Villain's Love Story. Originally, this is meant to be a tragedy, but I've written this season with a flare of interesting 'life' lessons. By the time you finish this, I wonder if you'll enjoy what I decided to write, because to me, this truly sums up both Chara arcs to a conclusion. Thank you for your patience and time with me as I have taken a break from writing to pursue greater health. I will continue with edits on all my stories, and update the stories that need it most. Thank you again, for your encouragements and respect. Shout out to mmm-asbestos who probably singlehandedly motivated me to finish this story after all these years. To the many fans who reviewed and discussed this story with me, your names are known, and I cherish each convo we've had together. Now...

Shall we?)

While still close together, Neo Metal Sonic and Metal Sonic looked over to quickly dodge Metal Amy's swing and swipe, using any versatile means to get a hard or sharp landing on the two of them.

Metal Sonic, without speaking upon it further, put a tight hold on Neo Metal Sonic's shoulder and began to unblinkingly pull and tear his arm off. Oil gushed a moment as Neo Metal Sonic flinched, but with equally unflinching malice, he reached over and shredded Metal Sonic's front covering near his engine off.

Metal Amy paused then, "Does not compute." Seeing them tear into each other and begin to work swiftly at frankensteining themselves together... while still functioning actively...

Neo Metal Sonic had done this a few times... but not Metal Sonic.

He did initiate it, and although inexperienced in engineering unlike Neo Metal Sonic's countless creations and projects, the two were able to meld and fire together–mixing their chords and wires–to saw together a functioning hybrid of themselves.

He landed to the ground, sparking as he was no longer in need of oil, and the two eye-sockets now shone green and red, showing that they both were now fused and in-sync... much like how Cybernetic, synthetic Metal Amy did the same with Omochao.

The Hybird Metal Sonic now looked up to Metal Amy, "... You really were the perfect robot..." He then jumped back and used his blazing engines on his back, three this time, to rotate at alarmingly supersonic rates his core, half-melded together engine parts to spin so profusely that he pushed out his core to fire off a large plasma canon beam.

Metal Amy tilted her head, but dodged the onslaught, using her hammer to spin it like a torpedo and disperse the ray ball's light around her. Plasma flung and splattered in heated steam everywhere along the roof, melting somewhat through it, but slowly.

".... Destroy. Sonic The Hedgehog." She repeated, and Hybrid Metal Sonic's two heterochromia eyes just lowered in anticipation for a deadly battle.

"... Ironic." The Hybrid Metal Sonic spoke, lowering his head as though a solemn eulogy. "You fulfilled my old objective... And if Sonic is really-" His head twitched and turned slightly, creaking some metal not super well blowtorched together to threaten to snap before he straightened it out. "It's about time I proved a certain flawed and obsolete robot's theory correct... It's time..."

He rolled his shoulders back, "For a robot that can create a new objective for themselves..." He got into a fighting stance, lifting his hands–one up over his head and to the side of his metallic ear while the other hovered straight out, reaching in front of him–and speedily shot out the full length of each knife-like claw to it's greatest notch, which clicked into place with a small fall on his fingertips as though locking them into that position... for good this time.

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