Chapter 1 - Freshmeat

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Hey loves! So a reader suggested me an Idea KatieLarson5 ! and I thought it was definitely one to write about! And since I wrote this chapter I have had so many ideas!!! So hope y'all enjoy and feel free to message me or comment if U have any questions or suggestions! I love y'all! Thanks so much Katie! Definately will be using more of your great ideas!

"Miles I can't," Tristan said to his best friend.
"What do you mean? Come on Tris it's going to be fun," Miles replied, putting his arm around him.
"You can't possibly be serious. If I even show up to try outs, they'll laugh at me because I'm like...twice their size. Plus, I'm not even that fast,"
Miles rolled his eyes. He was trying out for the basketball team this year and wanted Tristan to try out also. Tristan didn't feel comfortable in his body. He knew that if he even tried out for the team that people would tease him and laugh.
"This will help you get your confidence back! Come on, what happened to the Tristan I knew in Junior high," Miles asked, leaning his head to his friends shoulder. Tristan laughed.
"That Tristan was the Tristan before all the name calling and bullying. I'm different now. Besides, it's great that we're going to be doing different things this year. Not that I don't love you and all but we need to socialize with other people outside our circle or triangle, whatever," Tristan explained. Miles sighed.
"Alright well I gotta go. Tonight movie marathon and your homemade nachos?" Miles replied while getting his back pack. Tristan nodded.
"You know it! I'll text Zoë! Later," Miles nodded and patted him on the back before he left to class.
Tristan stood up from the cafeteria table and threw his food.
"I've got to lose all this weight if I want a chance at a normal year." He told himself.
He walked towards his locker where Zoë was waiting for him.
"Where's Miles?" She asked.
"Oh he went to class already. I think he wanted to be early," he replied, putting his text books in his bag. Zoë noticed Tristan's expression was serious.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked, sounding concerned. Tristan sighed and shook his head.
"No. Miles asked me to try out for the basketball team with him and I told him I didn't want to because I'm...F A T," he told her, sinking down to the ground. Zoë shook her head.
"You're not fat. You're fluffy. At least you're not like super huge like those people on TLC right?" Zoë sat beside him and he stared at her.
"Gee thanks, I feel so much better," Tristan said sarcastically. Zoë rested her head on his shoulder.
"Well if you don't like your body then do something about it. Join the basketball team. Create a diet plan. Exercise, eat healthy and before you know it, the weight will come right off."
Tristan thought about it for a second. Maybe he could try.
"Will you help me?" Tristan asked, seeming desperate.
"Of course. Now text Miles and tell him to meet you outside of the gymnasium before try-outs. I gotta go to class but I love you. Okay? Head up, no matter what size you are, you're still my Tristie bear," Zoë hugged him and kissed his head before walking off to class. Tristan took out his phone and texted Miles.
Hey! Meet me outside the gym later I wanna try out
Really?!? What changed ur mind
A new perspective on life...I wanna be healthier and a better me
That's great Tris! I can't wait now I'm looking forward to try outs even more
Tristan smiled and thought to himself, I can do it.

"How are you so skinny, Maya? What's your secret?" Becky Baker asked. Maya smiled, twirling around in her skirt.
"Just exercising and eating right."
"What a model," Cam said, sliding his hands around his girlfriends waist. Maya chuckled.
"Cam, stop it. No PDA, remember?" Maya moved his arm.
"Hey so what do you say we go to my house tonight and..." She asked. Cam smiled in response.
"Can't babe, I have basketball try outs after school. Rain check though," he told her before he walked over to his locker.

Tristan sat on the bench near his locker and noticed Cam. He's so cute. Has to be a sophomore, Tristan thought to himself.
Cam noticed Tristan staring at him and closed his locker. Oh crap, he's coming here. What do I say. What do I do. Should I run. Tristan thought. Cam sat beside him and sighed.
"I'm Cam Saunders," he introduced.
"Tristan Milligan," Tristan replied, narrowing his eyes to the ground.
"You're Owen Milligan's brother?" He asked. Tristan nodded shyly.
"Oh. Well just for the record Tristan.
I'm not gay. So stop staring at me. It's kind of creepy," Cam said harshly. Tristan looked down to the ground. He felt embarrassed. He wanted to cry but he didn't wanna show Cam that he was weak. Cam was about to go when he turned around and stood in front of Tristan.
"Oh...and by the way, even if I was gay, you're not my type. You've probably had to much fries with that shake. Haha, bye,"
Tristan's face was turning red. He got up and went into the boys bathroom where his brother and his friends were. He stood there, frozen.
"Oh look, Owen. Freshmeat." Luke Baker said, walking towards Tristan. Tristan stared at them as he slowly backed up for the door.
"Please I need to use the bathroom can I just go?" Tristan asked the bullies. His brother spoke.
"Come on guys, let's just go. We got better things to do," Owen said, walking towards the exit. Luke pulled his arm.
"No no, I wanna give this little punk a warm Degrassi welcome." Luke said evilly. Owen sighed.
"Dude can you just leave him alone," Owen defended his brother.
"Why? Do you know him or something? Because if you do, then I can do what I'm going to do to him, to you," Luke told Owen, clenching his fists. Owen sighed.
"Heh, I don't know this loser. I'd be embarrassed if I was related to him. Don't come near us, tubby. If you know what's good for you," Owen said coldly, pushing his only brother to the ground. Tears fell from Tristan's face as Owen and his friends walked out of the bathroom. Tristan immediately got up and look in the mirror. I am so ugly. He thought.
"No one likes me. Not even my own brother," Tristan cried to himself.
The bell rang and that means that it was after school. And time for basketball try outs. Tristan didn't feel like trying out for basketball anymore. He didn't feel like doing anything anymore. He felt like life was pointless and that he was just an incredibly huge waste of space. As he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Maya taking a sip of water from the fountain. He rushed towards her and she was startled.
"Wow, okay kid don't do that," she said, putting her hands out.
"How did you loose all that weight?" Tristan asked. Maya noticed his eyes were red and watery. She sighed, grabbing pills from her back pack.
"You take these 4 times a day. Don't eat anything except an apple and drink only water. Now if you can't take it, eat something, stick your finger in your throats and..." Maya showed Tristan. Tristan nodded. Tristan wasn't sure if he was suppose to be doing this but he would give anything to be skinny.

"Hey Miles! Where's Tristan?" Zoë asked as he came out from the gym.
"I don't know I waited for him and when he didn't come I just went inside. You haven't see him?" Miles asked, looking confused. Zoë shook her head.
"Okay I'll check the boys bathroom why don't you check the library," Miles told her. Zoë laughed.
"Tristan? At the library? Not likely. I'll check the cafeteria first," Zoë said as she walked away. Miles went to the boys bathroom and noticed Tristan's school bag outside. He immediately rushed in to see Tristan on the ground trying to open a prescription container
"I can't get this stupid thing to open!!!!!" Tristan yelled, tears rushing down his face. Miles was worried.
"What is that Tristan? And what are you doing in..."before Miles could finish, Tristan stood up and threw the container to the mirror. He broke down, crying. Miles rushed to his side and held him.
"HEY. What the hell happened? Please calm down," Miles said to his friend. Tristan continued to cry.
"I hate myself...I...I want to die. I wish i was as skinny as you and Zoë. I want to kill myself. Miles, please just open the container please. Miles eyes widened as he took the container.
"Tristan! If you want to loose weight, this is not the idea! These pills are very dangerous!!" Miles said. He opened the container and went in one of the stalls to flush them. Tristan was too late. He stared at Miles and buried his face in his hands.
"NO!!! What did you DO?! I NEEDED THOSE!!! I have to go find that girl Maya and get more!" Tristan made his way to the door but Miles was fast. He stood in front of him and hugged him tightly. Tristan kept crying. He didn't know what to do anymore. He felt like he couldn't breathe. Miles started to tear but close his eyes so that none would come out. He didn't know what to for his best friend. Zoë opened the door and her eyes widened.
"T-tris? What happened?" Zoë asked, sounding really concerned. Miles shook his head.
"I want to die. I want to die. I want to die." Tristan repeated and repeated. Zoë covered her mouth as tears started to come down. She didn't know what was wrong. This was the first time that Miles and Zoë didn't know what was happening. Zoë rushed to her two best friends and hugged them.

Hi boos!!! So what do you think? What are Miles and Zoë gonna do about Tristan? Is Cam really a bad guy? Maya gave Tristan the drugs so will she get in trouble? I'll keep y'all updated!

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