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3; comfort to another

I woke up immediately once I felt my body hit the ground in a thud. "Ah! The hell?!"

I was greeted by the cool voice of one of Songak's princes. "Welcome to Songak."

"So! I thought we were friends!" I whine.

"Friends?" He blows out a breath in a chuckle.

"What? Got a problem with me calling us that?" I rub the back of my head. After he didn't answer for a moment, I let out a little laugh. "Cat got your tongue, So?"

"I could care less about what you call me."

"Oh sure," I sneered. "Sure."

"This will be goodbye until we meet again, Bu Hwon," he said, staring down at me as I stood.

"Goodbye, Wang So," I nodded to him, turning to see a few buildings in the short distance away. He gave me an abrupt nod before riding off towards where I suspect the palace was.

Time to find where I'm supposed to work, I thought.

six months later

"Hwon! Hwon Sir!"

"Who the hell is calling for me?! I'm trying to concentrate!" I shouted, leaning back far enough to poke my head out of the front door of my store.

"Sir, I've just caught wind of something that has happened!" I guess I could call this kid one of the employees here.

"Aish, Myeong! What happened?" I sighed.

"Remember Lady Hae Soo? Apparently she just lost her memory out of no where. She's like a whole different person now!" Myeong stated.

I widen my eyes and stood up quickly. "Watch the shop!" I said to him as I jumped off of the porch. "I'll be back in a moment!"

"Ah! But, sir--!"

I didn't give him a chance to finish as I already had run off, speed walking over to the 8th prince's home. Could this be? Could Hae Soo have really become like me? Or is her name even Hae Soo now? I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. I was almost there now--I could see their home from here.

Shaking my head, I forced myself to continue my walk there. Night was already setting in now that I've looked. "Lady Hae!" I hollered once I saw as I entered her grounds. "I've heard that Hae Soo has lost her memory--is this true?"

She nodded and I walked over to her. "Yes, and she won't come out of her room--I fear that she may do something!"

"Let me talk to her, my lady," I said, staring into her eyes. "I promise you that I can get her out."

She stared at me, hesitance in her eyes but I could see she shook that off as she nodded. "Follow me," she instructed.

She held her dress as we speed-walked over to where Hae Soo's room was. What if this is all a coincidence and she isn't from the future? What if she just got severely injured and that is why she lost her memory? I need to stop asking questions for now, though. If she is locked in her room, scared and even confused, then it is best for her to come out before something happens.

"Hae Soo! Please come out!" Lady Hae shouted, knocking on the door.

"My lady, allow me," I said, making her back away from the door as I shook out my ankle, prepping it. A moment later, it had only taken one swift kick for the door to fall over. I looked at Lady Hae and said, "Just give us a moment."

I stepped in, and took a look around the room, my eyes landing on the curled form of a woman by the bed. As I stepped towards Hae Soo, I hesitated once I saw her flinch. I took a deep breath and crouched in front of her. "What's your name?" I asked softly, nearly a whisper.

She looked at me for a moment before gazing back at the ground. "G-Go Ha-jin..." she spoke. I thought so.

I nodded holding out my hand. "I know what happened to you, Go Ha-jin. This gesture isn't familiar to this era, I think, but I'm pretty sure that where you come from, you know what it is."

She stared at me then down to my hand, taking it and shaking it slowly. "What's happening?" she whispered.

"How were you brought here? Did you die?" I asked, suddenly serious.

"I think...I drowned?"

"In all honesty, I don't know why you were brought here, but if you ever want to figure out why, you will have to survive." I stood up, holding my hand out to her. "You will have to be Hae Soo. I will do my very best to help you."

She nodded, slowly reaching out to grab my hand. Thank goodness that I wasn't speaking loudly.

I smiled. "I don't think it will be very hard for you. Let's go," I said, holding her hand as we walked out of the room.

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