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2; a woman dressed as a man

"I come from Kaesong," I said to Wang So. The rain had yet to let up and it had been nearly half an hour. "I worked as a tailor."

"I see," he said, his head leaning back on the tree.

"You don't even care, do you?" I huffed.

"Hmm," he paused, "no."

I chortled and sat back. "You quite the pain in the..." I grumbled quietly under my breath.

"What was that?" he looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Nothing," I sighed.

It was silent for several moments before he spoke up, "The way you speak is somewhat difficult for me to understand."

"What do you mean?"

"It's how you talk. You use words that are foreign to me."

"Eeeesh, right..." I nodded, putting a hand on my chin. "I should sound more, uhm, serious maybe?"

"That could work."

"Yeah," I said. And then an awkward silence followed.

He turned to me abruptly, suddenly. "Has anyone told you that you look almost like a woman?"



"Has anyone ever told you you look like a woman," he repeated.

I guess I do look like a man. I dress like one and my hair is up just like a man from this era would have it, or a commoner. Somewhat a messy bun. Better play it off, I guess. "Yeah I get that a lot," I nodded.

"Huh," was his short answered. It is easier living as a man, I guess... "The rain is letting up. Maybe we will cross paths in the future but for now, forget about me."

"Ha, or what?"

"Or I'll kill you."

"Be my guest," I sniggered.

He just stared at me as I looked to the ground, my arm resting on my knee comfortably. I could heard him get onto his horse, settling onto his saddle. I look up to still see him staring.

"Goodbye, So," I nodded to him, abruptly.

"I have one more question for you, Bu Hwon. Would you happen to be related to Bu Jae Shin?"

"Yeah..." I cocked a brow.

"I see," he nodded then smirked. "Then you are quite far from home, are you not?"

"I would rather prefer making clothes rather than be a lord."

He chuckled and pulled the reigns on the horse. "The walk on foot to Songak will take about an hour in this muck," he took in a breath and looked down the road. "I'll give you this one chance at this."

I stare as he holds a hand out. "Huh?" I widen my eyes. "Ehhh?! Really?"

So rolls his eyes and shakes his hand expectedly. "Come on."

"Alrighty then," I said and stood, walking over to his hand and took it, hoisting myself to the back of his horse. "So I just have to hold onto you...?

"What do you think?" he gives me a side look.

"Sorry, sorry~" I shrug and hesitantly put my hand on his sides. "Is that enough? More arm holding or is this fine?"

"Good enough," he says and whips at the reigns lightly, instructing the horse to move forward.

"Say, So, how much longer until we reach Songak?" I asked him, trying to look over his shoulder to see his face.

"We just started riding there, Bu Hwon," he sighs.

"No we didn't! That was like half an hour ago! I'm so bored."

"Are you a child?" he turns to look at me. Now, our faces were just an inch apart, staring at each other. I cleared my throat and moved away.

"A child? No, I'm just impatient," I say, holding back how flustered I really was.

"You're basically a child, then."

I click my teeth and grumble under my breath. "Such an motherfu.."

"Pardon? I can't hear you?" I said, not even looking back.

"Oh nothing, nothing." I shake him off. "You know what? You can wake me up when we make it to Songak, okay?"

"W--" I cut him off once I laid my head on the nape of his neck. In my thoughts I was laughing, No homo, Wang So. Should I say that? I'm a girl dressed as a guy, so I have no idea, haha~

"Hush, hush now," I said, groaning. "This way I won't annoy you. If anyone stares just say I'm your brother or something." I could just picture him sighing right now. I guess this is the best I can do to get close to him as a woman while I'm coming off as a male.

Oh well.

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