Chapter 16

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The Turnip Man, having enough social understanding to stand off to the side from my group of friends, left me with Wendy and the two other kids who's names I never learned and was beginning to think I never would. 

Wendy bounced over to me, her smile shinning, and for some odd reason the lyrics I think you could make me, girl/ Make me and take my life/ came to mind. Honestly, it was perfect for how I was starting to feel about her. What started out as just warm feelings of friendship were slowly blooming into something much stronger, and, much more complicated.

"Hey you! I see you survived this long. How were classes?" Wendy bounced around me, some weird, tribal dance of protection maybe? Whatever it was, it was pretty damn cute. I couldn't help but smile at her, even though it hurt my face something fierce.

"Boring, I didn't get rammed into any desks, or shoved into any pencil sharpeners, so all is well." I watched her as she kept circling me, bouncing around me, I kind of wanted to sit down but I was afraid to disrupt her dancing, it just looked so funny, it was hard to explain.

"I see you've got a new friend there," Wendy nods to The Turnip Man, who had found himself a place in the shade, near one of the bathrooms, far enough away that he couldn't hear my conversation, but he could still keep his turnip eyes on me.

I have a vegetable stalker.

 "Oh yeah, they stuck The Turnip Man with me to make sure no one else tries to kill me. I doubt he could do much in the way of protecting me, but it's kept my enemies at bay so far." Wendy had stopped dancing, and was standing directly in front of me, hands onher curvy hips. 

"The Turnip Man? Well, Eli, I'd say that considering other human produce you could have been stuck with, you've faired pretty well." Wendy smiled up and me and pulled me - by the hand, may I add - over to sit down with the Namless Two.

 I sunk to the grass beside her, looking around me, enjoying the warm overcast weather. I hadn't been outside since the Face to Locker thing, so it was nice to have fresh air and hear the birds sing again. It kind of felt like I was in prison for a few days, paying a debt that I wasn't guilty of. Like the poeple that hurt me shoved me there, so I could pay for my trans sins. Didn't they know that hitting me wouldn't change my gender identity?

"I guess, but he smells so weird," I wrinkled my nose at the idea of having him chained to me for the forseeable future. How long would I need a gaurd dog for? Weeks, months? God, I hoped he wouldn't be trailing me for the rest of the year. I'd rather get my ass kicked, thank you.

"You sound like you're five," Wendy giggled, pulling her knees close to her and laying her chin on them. She was looking at me again. I found myself worrying that maybe my undershirt binder wasn't making my chest flat enough, or the clothes I'd picked made me look like a girl. I fiddled with the hem of my shirt, trying to manage the sudden horrible thoughts of Wendy suddenly seeing me as a girl because of some stupid wardrobe malfunction.


 Wendy saw me fiddling and smiled, seeing right through me, probably. I blushed, and dropped my eyes to the browning grass.

Blushing was NOT manly.

"Don't hide your face, Mister." Wendy whispered, cupping my chin with the tips of her fingers and lifting my face to meet hers.

Which...was suddenly very close to mine....

She looked at me, for a moment, her breath coming in warm puffs that I could feel on my lips. Without thinking, my lips parted, just a little, but enough for her to notice.

Wendy was the first one to lean in, she made the move. She moved in, tilted her head to the right, and pressed her prefect, warm, soft lips on mine, and set my insides on fire. 

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