Chapter 22

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"Do you want a black one or a white one?" 

Luke and I were now at our local shopping centre, choosing out a new phone for me. We had gotten down to choosing a average iPhone 5. I couldn't help but feel even slightly bogan with the way I was dressed. Seeing my clothes were basically ruined from last night and this morning, I was dressed in Luke's tracksuit pants and one of his larger hoodies.

"Earth to Scarlett?!" Luke snapped his fingers in my face.

"I, uh, white please"

"Ok! Awesome! 16, 32 or 64 gb?" The shop attendee asked, looking in my direction.

"32" Luke answered for me. 

"Great! I will be back soon, just need to go get it from out the back" 

Once the shop attendee had left, I turned to Luke to see him already looking at me playfully, a smirk planted on his face.

"You don't need to do this Luke, really" I sighed, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I want to, okay. I want to be a great boyf-, a great friend to you"

I looked up to him, knowing what he was so close to saying. Though by this time of day, I was to tired to even bother arguing with him.

"That comes to $675. Cash or card?"

"Lu-" I went to bicker on the act of him paying but without even finishing my sentence, his finger was raised to my lips. Indicating for me to shut up. I never win.

"Card, please" 

The shop attendee took Luke's card and did all that was necessary for them, leaving the rest to Luke.

"Lucky girl you are, having your boyfriend buy you a brand new phone!" The attendee said.

Me and Luke shared a look of uncertainty.

"His not my boyfriend" I blushed, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh. Well you are still a lucky girl"

"I know" I giggled, using one arms to wrap around Luke's side, my hand playing with the hem of his shirt.


It was at least an hour later and by now it was 1pm. My phone had been set up and we were sitting down together in subway, munching away on our subs.

I had no choice but to get a new number so my contact to anyone was not nill, but still quite low. Luke had already took my phone and put his in obviously, also changing the wallpaper to a selfie of us two that he took not to long ago. It was cute. He was cute.

I looked up to him, his eyes plastered on his phone. I watched his every move. The way he would every now and again smile at his phone or his eyes would even lighten up suddenly.

"You having a good stare Scar?" Luke laughed, locking his phone and looking back up to me.

"I am, thanks for asking" I smirked.

"Smart ass" He replied.

I just shook my head in laughter. "We should get going?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Is it okay if I just go home, well if we do?"

"Sure love. Whatever you want to do"

"Thanks Lukey"

"That's okay, cmon" He gestured for me to get up and take his hand.

"Wait! I need a phone case! There!" I pointed to a small store set up in the middle of the shopping centres walkway.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Ok, lets go then"

I looked through all the shelves of phone cases, one after one, I honestly couldn't choose.

"How about that one?" Luke pointed to a black case that had diamonties all over the back. It was simple but I liked it.

"Ok" I smiled hugely. 

"Just that one please" Luke said.

I knew there was no point in arguing for me to pay, so I just simply let him pay once again.


It was 3pm and the sun was slowly starting to set. I had just woken up from a nap but as I woke I found Luke aswell, asleep next to me.

I decided to have fun with this. I carefully but slowly moved my lips towards his, starting at his lips and moving my way down towards his neck, leaving yet another mark there. He let out a small moan and I giggled to myself. I made my way back to his lips and smiled, my lips brushing against his, he licked his lips so I took that as my chance to kiss him. It wasn't long, maybe only 5 seconds or so before he started to kiss back. 

He broke the kiss and laughed quietly before re-connecting our lips again but this time, grabbing onto my hips and pushing me on top of him.

This was happening quite alot lately but its not like I was complaining, right?

I felt it so extraordinary how close Luke and I were when really we weren't even together. But maybe, we just would never get together. Was it what I wanted? Was it what he wanted?

"God, I wish I could wake up to this always" Luke giggled in my ear, interrupting my thoughts.

"Me to Luke, me to"



sorry this took so long to upload i just lost my motivation but logging back on to see all the votes.
PLUS I did have exams but I have finished school for the year and in Australia we have nearly 3 months holidays which means heaps of updates!

SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT but we all know how much it needed to be updated.

i know this is annoying but 10 COMMENTS AND 15 VOTES FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER :)

ALSO! We need a ship name for Scarlett and Luke, what should it be? Leave what you think in the comments!

love you guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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