17 | calming questions

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|| Calming Touches

    "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

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    "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

     Jasper glanced at the brunette beside him and scowled softly at her, making Ana laugh quietly, almost as quietly as the small drizzle of rain that was raining down on Forks. His hand was holding hers on her lap and she kept playing with his elegantly long fingers instead of her own, no doubt nervous for meeting his family. She wasn't nervous because they were vampires (she'd already grown used to the idea) or because they were so outrageously beautiful that they seemed intimidating. No. She was nervous because this was Jasper's family and she knew that something was growing in their relationship so if the Cullen family didn't like her, how could they continue?

Ana's head snapped away from the window when a light mental breeze swept over her shoulders. The air conditioning wasn't on.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

She gaped, pink lips full as she shook her head at the innocent look on his pretty face, his blonde hair looking like gold strands when a small sliver of sunlight peeked through the clouds. It was windy and cloudy in Forks but every once in awhile some sunlight would appear for just a few seconds before another stubborn cloud covered it.

"I'm completely calm, Jazz." A raised eyebrow was her response and she huffed, pulling her hands out of his in irritation. "Maybe, I'm a bit nervous but seriously, there's no need to play with my emotions when I'm feeling so much."

Jasper ignored her words and reached for her hand again like a lost puppy but Ana crossed her arms. He sighed, his gold eyes that looked only a smidgen darker due to the fact he hadn't hunted in a few days casted back to the trail he turned on only a few minutes ago. Once the vampire knew that his home was close he parked next to the trees, leaving the ignition on so the only sound that filled the air was the quiet hum of his car. Ana was still ignoring his gaze.

"Hey," he leaned over the console slightly and she glanced at him under her thick eyelashes, her anxiousness visible. Jasper had seen Ana in many states. When she was sad, happy, moderately angry, frightened, and vulnerable but never nervous. It was odd for him. The blonde reached again for her hand and she let him take it, keeping her brown eyes on his as he spoke. "They'll love you. And I know you'll love them. You already know Alice and Emmett, so it'll be easier to. Plus, Edward isn't gonna be there, you get to meet him later."

Ana smiled at him, her nerves slowly but surely going away all because he spoke to her instead of controlling her emotions. She laughed quietly but it sounded loud in the car, "I kinda already met him, last night."

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