14 | silent words

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|| Silent Words

    "We kissed in Study Hall, like, a week later and from there we were together all the time," Ana explained, tracing a fairly thin scar on Jaspers bicep

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"We kissed in Study Hall, like, a week later and from there we were together all the time," Ana explained, tracing a fairly thin scar on Jaspers bicep. She hadn't stop touching them, touching him since she started telling the story between Riley and her.

    She felt his stare on her face but didn't look up, she just kept rushing the words out of her mouth as images of her ex-boyfriend popped up in her head repeatedly, images of the boy who nearly destroyed her life.

    It was immensely hard to reveal her secrets to Jasper, yet, at the same time, it was completely and utterly easy. Ana trusted Jasper with everything in her heart like she trusted Bella, Charlie, and Renée and she liked him a lot, so much that it was close to the point of love but every time that word popped up in her thoughts she pushed it away immediately. The brunette didn't know if she was ready to experience that feeling again, but the more she talked about Riley the more she asked herself, Did I actually ever love him? Do I even know what love is?

    Jasper didn't question when she went silent and screwed her eyes shut. He just grasped her hand gently and sent waves of a feeling between safety and ease over her, wishing that he'd been there for the girl he was falling for with every passing second.

    "Anyways," Ana glanced up at the blonde through her thick eyelashes and shrugged like the past was having no effect on her. "Like I said, we were always together. For the first three months he was a complete gentlemen, of course he was still cocky and flirty but he did the cheesy things any fifteen year old girl would fall for and I was so naive and stupid. I followed him around like a puppy and treated him like he was a god when in reality he was just treating me like a princess just to get me addicted to drugs and alcohol."

    Jasper's gold eyes widened and he barely got to let any thoughts pass through his head before she spoke up again, "That's when everything really went downhill."


    Ana stumbled through the front door of her Phoenix home, the engine of Riley's car speeding away from her driveway echoing in her ears until she slammed the door shut, to drunk to care if it woke up her Mom or Phil or Bella.

    Kicking her boots off lazily at the entrance to the living room, she turned on the light only to flinch in surprise by the three said people sitting on the couch, frowns on their faces.

    Great, Ana thought with a roll of her eyes, another "intervention".

    Before Renée could say anything, Ana spoke up, "You know what? I'm not really in the mood for y'all to," she held up quotation marks to end her sentence, "Make me stop rebelling." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear revealing a hickey, the sight of it making Bella gape slightly. "So, I'm just going to go to my room." She finished, making her way to the stairs.

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